Can anybody help? :-(


Jul 14, 2015
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I got a galaxy s5 2 months ago. It was fine up till 2 weeks ago.

Firstly "unfortunately messages has stopped" is coming up once or twice a day and i have to reboot my phone to fix it. Any tips on this?

Secondly i was watching full screen videos on youtube no problems but yesterday that changed. The youtube bit is still at the top and the other selections are there if i scroll down while watching a video so the video is now about a 3rd of the screen. Does anybody know how to switch this back to full screen? I have no idea.

Any useful tips is massively appreciated.


Q&A Team
Jun 25, 2015
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My messages were crashing too. My friend recommended trying either a factory data reset or downloading a third party messaging app or using Verizon Messages+. I am currently using Textra and will never use the stock app again.

Not sure on the YouTube question. Haven't had issues with the app.


Jul 14, 2015
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Thanks for replying miz even though not much help.

I havent a clue how to download new message apps.

Looks like im stuck with both probs.

Guess the site not all its cracked up to be :-(


Q&A Team
Jun 25, 2015
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Just go to the Play Store. I'm sure once the community wakes up they'll have some input on which to use.

Go to the Play Store and try out Textra or VZW Messages+. The VZW works on any carrier. Or you can use the built in Hangouts app.

Or try out a factory reset, but personally I think they're a pain in the ****.

The stock messaging app has been junk forever.


Q&A Team
Jun 25, 2015
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I also noticed the stock app was only garbage on the S5 after awhile. I use a Note 4 and a S4 as well and never had issues until downloading Lollipop to my S5.


Jul 14, 2015
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I will level with you. Im not thick but at same time pretty clueless with this type of thing. Are you saying that you can download message apps other than the built in on the s5?

The youtube thing is so annoying. Im sure its easily fixed but unfortunately i havent a clue how. The full screen was working fine up till sunday. I was playing about on monday and no idea what ive done to it.

Another possible thing is id had the phone about 2 months and always declined the updates. I updated about 3 weeks ago and thats when the messages has stopped thing started. Im assuming its a complete waste of time doing these updates? Even the layout had changed but i got it back to something suitable.

Dont really want to do a factory reset


Jul 12, 2012
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Yes, there are many alternatives to the stock app. Go to the Play store, install Textra and set it as your default messaging app. Not sure what the issue is on YouTube, maybe someone else will happen along that can help.


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Jun 25, 2015
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Hi again. One of the joys, even with a stock S5, is the joy of being able to customize as much as you want within reason. I'd suggest the ones I already mentioned. Hangouts and Messages+ (if it's a Verizon phone) are already built in. Just find them in your app menu and it will ask you automatically if you want to make it your default app, you'll say "yep," and all your messages from the stock app will already be transferred over (carbon copied per se). The same thing will happen when and if you download a third party messaging app from the Play Store. Open it, make default messaging app, messages are carbon copied (whether it's the stock app or not), place icon where it is convenient for you and away you go.

The new app will be customizable too. That's something you can explore once you get the hang of it.


Jul 14, 2015
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I did clear the cache and data but its sitll happening :-(

I could cry its driving me mad :-( Wish id never bought it its a rubbish phone


Q&A Team
Jun 25, 2015
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Is your phone updated to the most recent OS update?

I still recommend trying a third party app. I know Samsung's should work without a hitch, and it stinks, but I think your experience would improve greatly if you took control of your very expensive phone and told Samsung to kiss your bum with another app.

What do you look for in a messaging app? Just basic functionality, or would you like to customize the crap out of it?

Here's a screen cap of my Textra for you. It works just as well as Messages should and it's moderately customizable.

I'll help you until it's fixed. Don't give up so quickly! :)

I'm also working on an answer to your YouTube question.


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Dec 25, 2013
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If you don't allow any updates and don't allow time for bugs to be fixed you are not allowing Android and apps to work properly.
As Javier showed, many have experienced this temporary issue. You get that message with a lot of services, and eventually it goes away.
It is very annoying if the message app failed to open at all, it never happened with my Note 3, but there are temporary alternatives as described.

Also give the forums time to respond. Many have moved to the S6 or other devices. You would have received more responses in Ask a Question or General Help and How To as they are read by a wider audience. Also Android Central Community - Introductions where site ambassadors can advise, and you can say hi.
You could not know that I know.

Are you always opening the You Tube app, or sometimes following a video link in a browser.

I am not much of a You Tube user, and I was a little confused when a similar thing happened to me yesterday, but I think it replays the previous clip in a small box that you can swipe away.
Alternatively tap on the 3rd sized window you have and see if you can expand it again. Maybe the S5 is in Multi Window mode, I can't remember.


Jul 14, 2015
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I was viewing youtube from a browser but i think i have unwittingly got an ap for it now as it does seem different. Ive little doubt its an easy prob to fix but not if you dont have a clue.

I went to playstore to try and get that textra but i dont have a google account. I will open one soon and do it. Why are these damn things so complicated? I DONT want to open a google account but obviously will have to do so to get this new message app. Its happening daily that i have to power off and then power on or i cant get in.

Like i say i can txt and use the internet but havent a clue how to set these things up and its turned to crap since i allowed these updates 3 weeks ago. I will NEVER allow them again.

Appreciate your assistance miz. I salute you. In fact your awesome :)

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