Can anyone root my phone for me??


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
I know a lot of us newbies dont feel comfortable rooting our phones and installing froyo, especially because i dont own a pc and only a mac. Therefore i would like to see if anyone from the monterey/san jose california area will be willing to root my phone for me. This would also be a good thread for others to ask others for help. I seriously dont trust self with rooting phone and to be honest im sick and tired of waiting for froyo!
I know a lot of us newbies dont feel comfortable rooting our phones and installing froyo, especially because i dont own a pc and only a mac. Therefore i would like to see if anyone from the monterey/san jose california area will be willing to root my phone for me. This would also be a good thread for others to ask others for help. I seriously dont trust self with rooting phone and to be honest im sick and tired of waiting for froyo!

not gonna happen my friend. why dont you set up boot camp and install windows on your computer.
Not a good idea... What will you do if something goes wrong after the fact? How will you fix it? It really isn't hard to learn how to do this stuff. I agree about boot camp... Really comes in handy
Or just follow the mac tutorial! Its incredibly easy with the step by step instructions. That is for rooting though. There are methods for installing froyo on mac, just haven't come across a good tutorial.
Yeah I agree with all of you. What's going to happen if you're rooted and 2.2 eventually comes out ota? Would you have to go back and unroot it?
Most likely you'll already be running the same version as the OTA, or the OTA ROM will be packaged and ready to flash shortly after (if not before) it's released.
I know a lot of us newbies dont feel comfortable rooting our phones and installing froyo, especially because i dont own a pc and only a mac. Therefore i would like to see if anyone from the monterey/san jose california area will be willing to root my phone for me. This would also be a good thread for others to ask others for help. I seriously dont trust self with rooting phone and to be honest im sick and tired of waiting for froyo!

I've rooted my fascinate phone, live in your area (assuming you mean monterey road in san jose, ca and not up the coast in monterey, ca) , and would be happy to help you root your phone. But after rooting you would be on your own.....even though I am rooted I haven't installed any custom roms. I just wanted the ability to wifi-tether in case I need it on vacation and use titanium backup.

I remeber when I first got my phone being nervous to take the plunge. I would suggest watching a youtube video on it and if you still don't feel comfortable doing it yourself then PM me and we can go from there. Maybe I can meet you at a library (Edenvale branch - at monterey and branham) if you have a laptop or something and get it done. I think that once you see how easy it is you will feel comfortable enough to repeat the process on your own again, if you needed to.
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Yeah I agree with all of you. What's going to happen if you're rooted and 2.2 eventually comes out ota? Would you have to go back and unroot it?

If your rooted and download an OTA then yes you would have to re-root. I had to re-root I think 3 times now with each OTA, but it's the same process each time so you get used to it after a while, when doing it via ADB commands.
Glad someone stepped up and offered a helping hand.:D I have never been a part of any forum that dealt with anything electronic until the Fascinate but been very involved with car forums since 2002 when my car was released.

Car forums tend to become clubs, very close knit like family. A lot of hands on help is provided across entire states in many intances. I know this is just a phone. Men love cars, phones you just use.;)

ehernandez I know how you feel about been uncomfortable doing the rooting yourself, I can tell you this from personal experience, some people learn better from watching somebody do; than reading instructions. Most likely once you are guided thru the process one time you will no longer need any further hands on assistance. Good Luck:)
some newbie questions (sorry in advance)
I have been reading and reading, and i think i know how to root, Im going to use one click, but after I root,... does the phone still work? or is software needed like superclean 2.6?
What happens to gps? and do you still have to pay to use it?
And you said you still get otr updates? then just re root is it really that simple?
some newbie questions (sorry in advance)
I have been reading and reading, and i think i know how to root, Im going to use one click, but after I root,... does the phone still work? or is software needed like superclean 2.6?
What happens to gps? and do you still have to pay to use it?
And you said you still get otr updates? then just re root is it really that simple?

Welcome to Android Central jaacckk. What are you hoping to accomplish? Are you wanting your phone rooted and the latest software (Froyo)? Rooting just gives you more access to your phones software and programs, so if you just rooted and did not flash any custom ROMs, your phone would basically be just the same as before you rooted, it still works. Nothing happens to GPS, in fact on the newer custom ROMs, a lot of people are reporting improved GPS performance in terms of accuracy and how long it takes to lock on. And I'm not aware of having to pay to use GPS. After you root there are instructions to go back to a stock build should you decide you want the official OTA release. When you are rooted and running a custom ROM you will not get the OTAs. If you want to root and have the latest software, DroidXcon has put together some great all-in-one packages that require a minimum amount of work on your part. They can be found here:
Just let me know what you want to do and what baseband and build you are currently running.
some newbie questions (sorry in advance)
I have been reading and reading, and i think i know how to root, Im going to use one click, but after I root,... does the phone still work? or is software needed like superclean 2.6?
What happens to gps? and do you still have to pay to use it?
And you said you still get otr updates? then just re root is it really that simple?

Hi Jaacckk
Good to hear your ready to give rooting a try. I would say to make sure you have read the ADB manual commands in case you have any issues with one click. I know it would not work for me and I had to use the manual commands. So make sure you are familiar with them just in case. Either way is very easy.

After you root the phone, it still works just as it did before, except now you have more access to the phone and basically can do anything you wish. You now have control of your phone and will see a new icon that says "superuser"

Superclean 2.6 is a custom ROM developed for the fascinate. Rom's are a whole nother ball of wax that i am not so familiar with. I would talk to DroidXcon or Landshark for some help with those.

GPS is free and you should never have to pay to use it. With one of the OTA updates it's reception was supposed to be improved....but for me it was a minimal improvement.....

Finally, yes I still do OTA (over the Air updates) and then just re-root my phone. There are other methods of updating without losing root privileges which you can use if you prefer. But I myself like to get my updates from the source (VZW) and then just root.

Hope this helps feel free to post up if you have anymore questions.
Read up on everything and borrow a friends PC for the afternoon! Once you're started you can just use your Mac to copy over ROMs, Kernels and or themes to the SD card to handle from Clockwork. Also the whole rooting thing isn't really big deal your not changing much on your phone except your own level of access.

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