Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo?


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Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

I cannot stand Lollipop, so I returned my phone to Motorola and received one that has KitKat on it. If I can turn off auto-updating of the OS, I will be good to go. I do not want to root the phone as that will mess up my warranty and insurance. If I cannot avoid Lollipop, I will get an Iphone or go back to a flip phone. Lollipop is the worst user interface ever. It is like the "New Coke". You cannot turn the phone to silent with the VOLUME button, how counterintuitive is that!? Also I don't want to see every update on the locked screen, the little pictures are fine. However with Lollipop, it is all the alerts or none at all. Thanks for listening, please help me.


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

There are only 2 ways to stop updates permanently - one is to root and turn off updating, the other is to run a custom ROM that doesn't have updating.


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Umm ... my DROID prompts me for a "system update' (every so often). I just click "Not Now'. So there must be a setting that I set when I first got the phone.
I have zero interest in Lollipop. My 4.4.4 is rock solid, stellar battery life and zero problems. If It Works, Don't Fix It.


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Umm ... my DROID prompts me for a "system update' (every so often). I just click "Not Now'. So there must be a setting that I set when I first got the phone.
I have zero interest in Lollipop. My 4.4.4 is rock solid, stellar battery life and zero problems. If It Works, Don't Fix It.
Sorry, but eventually it will update and install itself...

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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Here's the moto stuff I disabled and the update doesn't prompt me anymore


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Jan 9, 2015
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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Sorry, but eventually it will update and install itself...

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And why would that be ? And unless I am connected to WiFi, I doubt that it would any way.


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Here's the moto stuff I disabled and the update doesn't prompt me anymore

Do you know which one (or more) of those resulted in no prompts?
My guess w/b Verizon Support & Protection ?


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

And why would that be ? And unless I am connected to WiFi, I doubt that it would any way.

You don't have to be on WiFi, it will download over your 3g/4g/lte data connection.

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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Do you know which one (or more) of those resulted in no prompts?
My guess w/b Verizon Support & Protection ?

Verizon support and protection is Verizon's anti virus suite.

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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

I would guess Motorola Connect, Motorola Checkin, Motorola Services, maybe Motorola Notification. The rest I think have nothing to do with OTA updates.

I'd also start the phone in recovery and wipe the cache partition to get rid of the update if it's already downloaded - that's where they get stored.


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

You don't have to be on WiFi, it will download over your 3g/4g/lte data connection.

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I agree with Jheebs. Unless you are rooted or running something custom I believe it will eventually install. The reason is Verizon can't support this many devices if all of them also have different OS's. This has never happened to me but I do know of people that thought they stopped the update by disabling or constantly refusing it and one morning they woke up to an "update successful" screen!


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Do you have a link to Verizon that indicates such ?

No. Do you have a link to Verizon that indicates they don't? Look, nothing is 100% with these devices. I do know people that tell me they turned down updates every time and still got updated, and I have read the same in many other forums over the last few years that state the same thing. Guess you will find out. Let us know.


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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Most phones on most carriers will give you a certain number of choices (usually around 15), then push the update without asking. (And if you stop it once it starts the actual update, you'll brick the phone.)

If you cn find the OTA or FOTA app and disable it (you probably have to be rooted), you won't get the notification any more. (But if you're rooted, the update will "fail" at about 25%, where it detects root, and not update. It'll just keep bothering you with notices.)


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Jul 15, 2012
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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Just so you, i was able to turn the lollipop notifications so they do not appear on the lock screen. I use the moto display and like it so i didn't need the other ones too.

I respect your right to not like lollipop, and it does have things people don't like, however turning your phone volume to silent is as easy as hitting your volume button and then selecting none.

I hope you get it back to kit kat like you want, good luck

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buster buddy

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Mar 17, 2012
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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

My phone tried to download the lollipop update over my 4 g data connection for the frist time this afternoon. I'm still not entirely convinced that I want to do the update yet and certainly don't want to burn up my data by downloading it using my data plan so I quickly set my phone to Airplane mode so it wouldn't download. When I got back home I connected to WiFi and found that I was able to cancle the download. But if it's going to try to randomly push the update would I be better off if I go ahead and accept the download when I'm at least connected to WiFi so it doesn't download using m data plan. This afternoon I just happen to be in a place where I was checking my email messages when I noticed something was downloading and discovered it was Lollipop. The next times it pushes I probably won't even notice.


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Nov 25, 2011
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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

My phone tried to download the lollipop update over my 4 g data connection for the frist time this afternoon. I'm still not entirely convinced that I want to do the update yet and certainly don't want to burn up my data by downloading it using my data plan so I quickly set my phone to Airplane mode so it wouldn't download. When I got back home I connected to WiFi and found that I was able to cancle the download. But if it's going to try to randomly push the update would I be better off if I go ahead and accept the download when I'm at least connected to WiFi so it doesn't download using m data plan. This afternoon I just happen to be in a place where I was checking my email messages when I noticed something was downloading and discovered it was Lollipop. The next times it pushes I probably won't even notice.

It doesn't matter because OTA updates don't count towards used data for your plan. Some people have very small 250MB data plans, so one update would do that in.


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Jan 28, 2015
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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

Respect other peoples opinions, but I would suggest that the lollipop holdouts start thinking long term about their decision to avoid L. As one contributor said the volume issue is really not an issue, just do the extra click and get one with life. And the lock screen alerts, you have the choice of the same moto alerts as kitkat, or the new L alerts. You had this choice at setup, just go back to moto alerts. Change is a part of life, if you don't like the direction android is taking, and M is likely to displease you further, then perhaps iphone is a better choice for you. Good luck.

buster buddy

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Re: Can I prevent Lollipop from auto-updating on my Motorola Droid Turbo

I've only had the phone about 4 weeks so I'm not sure I'm a holdout nor am I displeased. . Actually I was looking forward to upgrading to 5.1 when I got my new Turbo, I had switched from a Droid Maxx, but then I read that people were having problems after the upgrade. Not because of the changes to the phone but there seemed to be some glithes so I was waiting to see how that all worked out. And I'm not unhappy with the way Adroid is going but I don't want to "break" my phone before I've had it a month. LOL I did in fact decide to download 5.1 last night and so far everything seems to be running fine. I won't know about the issue of decreased battery life that so many seemed to be complaning about for a few days. And although I'm looking forward to when Adroid M is released for the Turbo Max I'm sure I will wait a few weeks to make sure others aren't having problems with the software before I download it.

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