Can you hear me now?


Mar 29, 2011
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I have to say, I love my incredible. I intended to sell it, but given the problems- have kept it temporarily. I use it at home sometimes, as it works fine with wireless. You just can't make calls with it. It definitely seems to run a lot smoother than my Thunderbolt, as far as the apps being run on them. Both have the same apps, so the apps themselves shouldn't be a factor. The Thunderbolt is pretty jerky, which is somewhat helped by using a task killer after running several apps in a row. The incredible could run about twice as many apps in a row without needing some of them 'killed'. It really doesn't make sense that with the faster processor, the Thunderbolt isn't smoother.

I know a lot of people swear that app killers shouldn't be run on these phones, but they just aren't using the same types of apps, or not using them in succession. The incredible seems to manage them a lot better on it's own. The Thunderbolt doesn't. I can use 4 or 5 apps in a row on the Thunderbolt and it slows to a crawl. It's almost unbearable but the app killer takes care of that immediately. For example, if it's run manually at that time.

App-killer opponents- explain that one. Also, I've had several Verizon employees suggest using app killers. One even installed an app killer on my incredible when I complained of slowdowns after 2.2 Froyo can out.

The ONLY reason I will possibly keep the Thunderbolt is because of the 4g. I'm not having the problems that some are with 4G and the signal is outstanding in our area. It would be really hard to live without and the future ability to pay for or remove 4g hotspot on a monthly basis in the future is very attractive in the sense of using the signal for my laptop when out of town.

I've taken to using the free hotspot feature (until May 15th) on my laptop at the office, as it's 5 or 10 times faster than the DSL we have there.

I'll give one more exchange a chance and then will have to decide for sure if I will switch back to my incredible.


Oct 12, 2010
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Well hopefully I can help figure this out further soon. Once the bugs are worked out and the newly released Radio Interface Layer is merged into the GitHub repository for CyanogenMod 7 I will be changing my ROM (I hate Sense!) to CM7. That should maybe tell us if it's a VZW tower/backend issue or a stock ROM/Sense issue...

Air Force One

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Jan 7, 2010
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Wow this is a really weird thread for me to be reading. I actually had this same issue with my Nexus One on AT&T. It was random as hell and I never did figure out the cause. I lived with it for a year before I made the move to the Thunderbolt on Verizon. Since then I've had no issues with phone calls but if I had to bet I would guess the issue is with HTC. I can sympathize with you guys though as this issue drove me NUTS with my Nexus. I was always scared to death to get an important phone call for fear I wouldn't be able to answer the phone!


Oct 12, 2010
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Actually that is completely different issue than what we're experiencing. That issue you mention seems to be an issue for Android in general and can usually be fixed by searching for and downloading "Call Delay Patch" from the Market.

Air Force One

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Jan 7, 2010
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Actually that is completely different issue than what we're experiencing. That issue you mention seems to be an issue for Android in general and can usually be fixed by searching for and downloading "Call Delay Patch" from the Market.
Cool, I'm just glad I don't have it with my TB...that issue drove me nuts and is one of the reasons I left the N1.

Still, I suppose this issue here could still be some kind of variant of the previous issue with Android...

Oftentimes I could NEVER get my call to come thru, it wasn't just delayed..they never could hear me. Woudl take me multiple tries, them calling me back, and my calling them...

I cannot vouch for anyone in that thread at XDA but I myself had the same issues that are being posted about in this thread here at AC only it was my N1 and AT&T rather than TB and Verizon.


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Apr 22, 2011
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Same problem, and more

Hey guys I just started experiencing the same problem this week, but it's not just for calls.
I noticed that the mic also has problems picking up your voice when you try speech-to-text input from the keyboard. It's not recognizing any of my voice and the indicator for how loud you are speaking is showing as really low. PLEASE HELP


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Mar 9, 2011
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Been absent from this thread for a few weeks, because my issue seemed to have cleared itself up.....


Again, beginning last week, it's been a crap shoot whether people can hear me on a call.

Spoke to tier 3 support 3 days ago, according to her records this is NOT an issue that is in their documentation as occuring to more than just me.

She sent me out a new phone, overnight. Received it 4/28/11. Activated it with my sim, sd card, battery and back plate.

Today, less than 24 hours after receiving "new" phone, got my first call where the person at the other end cannot hear me. It was a received call; when I called the number back, I could be heard.

Now, I've done the following since launch day with the TB:

Replaced SIM 3x
Replaced complete phone=even swap to a new unopened boxed unit at retail store.
Hard reset over 10X
Replaced unit with "Certified New" unit

I am beyond the pale angry, tired with this.
I have spent and lost $$ in my time, my energy, screen protectors that I lose to replacing phones...

I cannot reproduce this issue.

I'm tired of being "blamed" for the you have a case on it? do you have a screen protector on it? do you wear underwear when you use the phone?

The phone does not work as a phone. Period.

Dumping it, even IF Verizon agreed to give me back all the money spent, is no solution for me. I should not have to lose my current contract/price and downgrade to another phone that is not 4g lte.

Someone, share some zen with me so I don't hurt the ones I love!!!!


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May 4, 2011
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HTC Thuderbolt Mute Issues

My wife has the new HTC Thunderbolt 4G 216-970-XXXX. Verizon Same issues. No one can hear her at least half the time. Incoming and outgoing calls. Love the 4G but if you cannot reliably make a phone call its really unacceptble. Any update from chrisp95 who has posted so extensively here?


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Feb 27, 2011
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My wife has the new HTC Thunderbolt 4G 216-970-XXXX. Verizon Same issues. No one can hear her at least half the time. Incoming and outgoing calls. Love the 4G but if you cannot reliably make a phone call its really unacceptble. Any update from chrisp95 who has posted so extensively here?
Are you the other half the time? :D

-Frank j/k


Mar 29, 2011
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Haven't checked in here for a while--

I'm still having the sound drop out problem, though not nearly as often... I've only had it happen 2 or 3 times over the past 2 weeks or so.

Restarting the phone seems to always solve it (temporarily.)

I get the feeling that the tech I was working with at Verizon, and the national techs working on the problem as well-- have moved on to larger problems. It seems there are numerous glitches to focus on with the Thunderbolt-- glitches that affect a larger number of users.

Other than the sound dropout problem, everything was fine with my phone UNTIL the update went through a couple of weeks ago.

Immediately afterwards, my gps wouldn't lock on to my location for several minutes-- which pretty much made it useless (at least for what I would use it for--- immediate directions to something in the local vicinity.) From the looks of things, a large number of people nationwide had this problem, either before the update, afterwards, or both.

At least for my area, the problem 'magically' cleared up today-- my gps is back to locking on within seconds.

I notice my battery life is better since the update, as well.

The sound dropout problem isn't bad enough anymore to consider switching my phone back to the incredible. I feel for everyone that has this problem, but isn't getting anywhere with their local verizon retailer. I'm fortunate the techs at my store have experienced the problem first-hand and have worked on solving it. I've been reassured throughout the mess, that they would allow me to return/cancel the upgrade and transfer back to my previous phone at any time. I'm sure I could do it now, if I chose.

There are some local customers they've worked with that experience the problem over 50% of the time... That has to be maddening. I get the feeling that they're just letting the users return the phones and switch to non 4g phones/ or cancel their contracts altogether.

I'd be interested if anyone has the sound dropout problem with the new Samsung Charge, as I believe that's the only other 4g phone Verizon offers at this time.

Given all the problems people seem to be having with the Thunderbolt, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't located in a strong 4g signal area. For me, the problems are outweighed by the outstanding speed of the 4g service-- and now they've extended the free wireless hotspot promo through June 15th. I link 2-3 laptops to it daily, without any of the glitches/disconnects of service that many people seem to be experiencing. It works perfectly every time I use it and I still get remarkably fast download speeds on our laptops.
Last edited:


Oct 12, 2010
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I'm one of those people who it happens to at least 50% of the time. :( On top of that the volume through BT is so low I can barely hear the person that I'm talking to when I don't have the garbled voice issue. I received my 3rd TB from VZW on Friday (which had its own set of other problems like a sunken volume button, etc.) and on Saturday I said screw it and bought a Droid Charge at full retail. So far I love it and haven't had a single issue with it! The only thing I really miss about the TB is having SVDO (simultaneous voice & 3G data). I'm going to send the 3rd TB back to VZW instead of the 2nd one and either sell the 2nd one on eBay or keep it until they get the issues worked out somehow. I am still leaning toward it NOT being a hardware issue since I've had 3 of them in a row with the problem yet I now know 3 people at work with TBs and none of them have the problem.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk


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Jun 28, 2011
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I am experiencing this problem as well. It is completely random. Can go for weeks without issue, then happens several times per day.

I think it must be software and/or service issue. Whenever it is happening, I can test the microphone using voice recorder or voice input, they always work without issue. Phone reset always solves the problem for a while.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Of course this problem only affects me when I call my wife who has a TB as well. Very frustrating and annoying especially when it is followed by the both of trying to call each other back only to get each others voicemail. I wish this problem would go away....


Oct 12, 2010
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I don't think that you'd want to attempt it on both phones, but I rooted my TB and installed the CyanogenMod ROM and haven't had the problem since.


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Dec 19, 2011
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My Thunderbolt is doing the same thing, since about 3 weeks ago, I will answer my phone and nobody can hear me, only if I use the speakerphone. Some of my apps that talk do not work either. ??:confused:


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Apr 27, 2010
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I just started having this problem a few days ago. I can hear them but they can't hear me until I reboot the phone. It has happened to me twice in about 4 days. Very frustrating and has not happened since I have owned this thing since release day. From what I have read so far is that there is no solution to this. I hope I am wrong. I would rather not make an insurance claim for this.

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