Can't believe I'm getting excited about Thunderbolt or Bionic

Chris Kerrigan

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
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If the phone itself is capable of 3 or 4G but a person wants just 3G it would be nice if you could have a choice? Ask them to turn off 4G or not enable it or some way so that we're assured only of 3G cost if that's what we want.

The phone itself should have an option like the Sprint 4G devices to just turn off the 4G radio when you're not using it or don't want to use it. There SHOULD be a way for Verizon to charge you for individual 4G usage or block 4G access, however I seriously doubt Verizon will go down this path. Instead, if they're gonna charge a premium for it, I'm sure it's going to be for all 4G phones regardless of whether or not you're using it. =\


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Jan 7, 2011
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Again, here's hoping the price bump on the hardware will be what's paying for VZW to recoup their LTE rollout, and that the data plan pricing remains the same. I know LTE is fast, but I don't think I'm willing to pay more than $30 a month for mobile data on my phone; I'm near fast wi-fi majority of the time.


Smarty Pants
Mar 3, 2010
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The phone itself should have an option like the Sprint 4G devices to just turn off the 4G radio when you're not using it or don't want to use it. There SHOULD be a way for Verizon to charge you for individual 4G usage or block 4G access, however I seriously doubt Verizon will go down this path. Instead, if they're gonna charge a premium for it, I'm sure it's going to be for all 4G phones regardless of whether or not you're using it. =\

Doesn't Sprint charge for Evo users for 4G no matter what?


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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Don't want 4g or what not simple to turn off remove the lte sim card. Then you'll not get lte
The phone itself should have an option like the Sprint 4G devices to just turn off the 4G radio when you're not using it or don't want to use it. There SHOULD be a way for Verizon to charge you for individual 4G usage or block 4G access, however I seriously doubt Verizon will go down this path. Instead, if they're gonna charge a premium for it, I'm sure it's going to be for all 4G phones regardless of whether or not you're using it. =\


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2011
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Don't want 4g or what not simple to turn off remove the lte sim card. Then you'll not get lte

That doesn't stop verizon from charging you for it. We don't want the charge for 4G since a lot of us don't live in areas covered by it yet.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
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There's a thread or two on this 3G/4G thing but I can't find it right now. Apparently whats being talked about or is what's going to happen is when you buy the phone you can pick the 3G or 4G sim card and that's what will go in your phone and determine your plan. Hopefully, I don't have the terminology wrong but it sounded like a real good way to do it to me.


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Jan 2, 2011
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I was also a Storm user. Storm, which was good because I was a BB devotee and jumped on their first "touch-screen," then Storm 2, which was much-improved. The SurePress was much better on the Storm 2.

That being said, I went to a Droid X and don't see myself ever going back to a BB. They take forever to reboot and are incredibly slow compared with Droids.

I've done a lot of research and puzzling over the Thunderbolt vs the Bionic, and I'm holding out for the Bionic even though it looks like those might not be available for another five months. The Thunderbolt still looks like a great phone. The screen sizes are actually the same. The major differences are the processors and memory.

If you want something more like SurePress on a Droid, you can enable the haptic effect. That works if you're doing key touch, but you really should check Swype out. It's sooo much faster than doing a regular key press or touch. Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to, but if you know how to type on a qwerty keyboard, you'll ace it in no time.

Best wishes with whatever you decide,


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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Am I the only person who actually enjoyed the the Storm's click screen. That was the only thing I liked about it during the year I had it.

When I got my Droid over a year ago I was a little irritated that it didn't have the click screen. After a week or so I didn't mind anymore. Android overall is light-years ahead of Rim and their old technology

You certainly are not the only one. I had my launch-day Storm 1 for all 2 years until I switched to the Droid Incredible last summer. I still miss the screen, and sometimes I still contemplate going back to a BlackBerry for my next phone once I wear this one out, seeing as I never use Android to its full potential in my day-to-day and none of this first batch of LTE phones meets all of my criteria.

That said, I'm sure the OP (and many others) will have a blast regardless of whether the final answer is Thunderbolt or Bionic. FWIW, I really love HTC's Sense UI. I just think that if I'm going to be lugging around a 4" pancake in my pockets, it'd better have all of the criteria I want -- and if not, then at least I'll get something with BBM!


Jan 11, 2011
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I'm coming from a BlackBerry and was considering waiting for the Bionic.

Then I decided I'll probably get a Droid X because it will be less buggy and cheaper.

Now that the Thunderbolt is a few weeks away I'm also starting to consider that as my first Android.

Are any Droid X folks going to Thunderbolt? The Droid X is the only Android phone I've ever played with and I really like it.

Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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screw the X wait to see if the tbolt will be able to have custom kernels. Having no custom kernels sucks real bad...... for droid x,2,d2g....


New member
Jan 2, 2011
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You might want to wait

I'm coming from a BlackBerry and was considering waiting for the Bionic.

Then I decided I'll probably get a Droid X because it will be less buggy and cheaper.

Now that the Thunderbolt is a few weeks away I'm also starting to consider that as my first Android.

Are any Droid X folks going to Thunderbolt? The Droid X is the only Android phone I've ever played with and I really like it.

Any suggestions?


I wouldn't count on the DX being less buggy, but you're correct that it will be less expensive. I have a DX and haven't found it to be at all buggy, even from the beginning, and mine came with 2.1. The TB and Bionic are going to be released with 2.2, which is the same thing you'll get on the DX.

If you're on a budget and don't mind the DX, you should wait. A lot of us are waiting for the TB or Bionic, and that's going to flood the CPO market with the DX models. Remember the DX is a high-end phone, and people with high-end phones tend to dump those for the next high-end phone, so that's going to make the last-gen phones a lot less expensive. There's nothing wrong with a DX. It's a GREAT phone, I think. I say, "I think," because I'm not very knowledgeable about how it performs as a phone because I use my "phone" about ten times per year. My "phones," regardless what they are, I use for various Internet stuff and I rarely ever make or receive calls on them. I'm sure others can make comments about call quality, but I can't.

I've spent a good deal of time deciding on the TB vs the Bionic, and I'm holding out for the Bionic. I can post reasons why if you like, but a lot of that comes down to personal preference and to what you do with the device. Don't forget that, if you go for a DX, you're buying a 3G phone for a 4G network if you have that in your area or will soon. If you use it as a "phone," or if you don't do a lot of downloading or things otherwise that access the Internet, you're fine with that. If you do a lot of online stuff, hold out for a 4G phone, whatever phone you get. You're going to be kicking yourself if you don't.

If I wanted to be selfish, I'd say go for the TB. That's because I spoke with couple of people at Verizon just last night and the Bionic is looking like it's going to be an enormously popular phone and will quickly go on backorder. The more people who are ordering the Bionic, the longer it might take me to get mine. Since I'm not selfish, get either phone. They're both great, and if you choose to get the Bionic and I have to wait a few extra days to get mine, oh well. I've lived without it for this long :)
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