Can't change to Google keyboard


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2014
How do you switch keyboards now in nougat? I found the page and the different keyboards I have but it will not let me switch from SwiftKey. I want to use Google keyboard but every time I select it and I hit return I just have SwiftKey pop up. What am I missing?
I want to delete this message as I have already answered the question. How do I do that? :/
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Try this
Go to your language and keyboard section in the settings
Check if google keyboard is checked.
Check it if it is unchecked.
Try now!

Or try unchecking all other keyboards from the list. This might force launch the google keyboard.

If none worked, maybe there is a problem with the google keyboard app itself. Try opening the app from your drawer (not the keyboard by selecting any input field) and report for crashes. Crashes stops them from opening and hence forces the OS to launch an alternate keyboard.
Click on any text field to bring up the keyboard. At the bottom right corner, next to back, home screen and recent items buttons, you'll see a keyboard icon which opens Change Keyboard screen.

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