Change date of photos

I've never attempted to change any of this information. Is it even possible? I guess it may be possible if you rename the file, since that information is embedded in the name.
In the Google Photos app, you can easily change the date and time of a photo by selecting a photo, then tapping the menu button at the upper right, then the Edit button right next to the date and time. Google Photos will recognize the change and re-sort the photo accordingly. However, this will not change the filename (which is based on the date and time it was taken), so if you're using a gallery app that sorts by filename, it won't re-sort according to the edit.

What sort of problem with editing the date and time are you having?
I had changed the date of 2 photos OK, but when I tried to save the changes, it didn't respond. It appeared that it didn't actually change the date
I closed the Photos App, and reopened it, and the changes made were there.
I was just looking to see if others users experienced the same problem.
I know that feature was recently added to photos, and maybe there was a bug.
Anyway, I don't think that's a major problem because I don't think many users add IMPORTED photos to their gallery.
We have hundreds of photos in a box that I'm slowly adding to the gallery and I'm trying to put them in chronologicaluse order.
The SEARCH feature in photos is wonderful for finding photos, as long as you use the correct keyword. Some of the old photos are not easy to locate by SEARCH.
The date/time change should take effect immediately upon making the edit -- there's no "save" option. When you say you tried to save the changes, did you just tap the Back arrow at the top left of the screen?
The date/time change should take effect immediately upon making the edit -- there's no "save" option. When you say you tried to save the changes, did you just tap the Back arrow at the top left of the screen?

I really don't remember,but you have reassured me that it works. Thanks

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