[Chatter] "Where everybody knows your name ..."

Laura Knotek

Moderator Captain
Jan 8, 2011
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We tied the record cold temperature for this date in November.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2010
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Hey folks, hows it goin?

Soo, this is where all the big shots at AC hang out. Man, I haven't been here in over a year. Couple of peeps I recognize would be johnly, davidnc, dancing bass. Hows you all doing???
::WAVES!!":: davidnc a mod, good going dude.

For those who don't know me, if you look back in the first few hundred pages, I used to be around here quite a lot. In fact, dare I say, I was the one who came up with this chatter room concept and zero neck took the lead and started this thread. I mean you can't possibly talk about phones ALL the time can you? It has come a long way from the humble beginnings with some nerds owning the fabulous Verizon galaxy nexus wanting to hang out and just shoot the breeze to what seems like a moderator secret club area! lol. Plus it really builds up them post counts right? Lets be honest, postcounts are all important in a forum. Don't be offended, we all know its true. Such is life in cyberland.

I look back fondly at my days with the galaxy nexus. It was something special in the beginning....but as time went on it did have its shortcomings. You know the crappy battery life, camera, radios heck almost everything sucked toward the end. I really sharpened my flashing skills with that phone though. But that sucker could do some major lag. Would stutter all over the place. So I been through the 4, the 5, and now coming up the 6. I really like them nexus you could say. We really used to flash alot back then, even a couple times a day in the car or whacking a burger at micky-d's. With zero, dmmarck, 2def .... fun times. This was our HQ and we would decide what was good to flash and blast away. This guy DroidTh3ory (I think thats the spelling) was big time back then with his wierd sounding roms like complx or symplx or something. I hardly flash much nowadays, but I make sure something nice is on the phone. My n5 had carbon and some custom kernel for months before I installed lollipop a week ago.

I just dropped by to say there are some big changes in my life and being single, I really don't have anyone to talk to, so I decided to tell some virtual people in cyberland whats going on.
I live in Hawaii, on the big island and have been for 59 years. Wow a geriatric using a smartphone, buying a new cutting edge one every year and typing stuff on the internet and uh I can hardly believe it myself. I am totally NOT into social media stuff though, too intrusive for my tastes.
Anyway, I am an avid street bike rider (Japanese sport bikes, no Harleys) and living on an island just don't cut it. It's like riding in a big circle track. Just round and round on a rock in the middle of some (a lot) of water.

So, I just decided WTF and am in the middle of escrow selling my house and moving to Northern California. This is a MAJOR if not the only thing on my "bucket list" that I've wanted to do for so long. Hawaii is nice and all, but after being here for so long, its time to leave. I've grown to hate mostly everything about here....the food, the weather, the roads, the beaches, no entertainment etc. etc. etc. I need to see some NFL and NBA in person. Not on tv. I need to get to bass pro shops, Cabelas, and all the other mega type stores. I need in-n-out burgers, carl's, chick-fil-a, and who know what else. We have a poor standard of living in Hawaii. I just been learning about GMO stuff that Monsanto has crammed down our gut for the last 20 years, so I am gonna try and stay away from that stuff, even though it will be near impossible. At least some effort will be there on my part. Read up about it, that stuff is nasty. Another issue that pretty bad is this thing called fracking. Uh another nasty situation we have going on. America is in a bad place at the moment and the govt is not helping. They are mostly the cause of our problems.
Ok, ok those last couple of thoughts are rants I agree, but try googling gmo and fracking and you might be shocked. Better, try typing those two things in youtube.

But I am looking forward to biking to like the florida keys, up the northeast (when it gets way warmer of course) the great plains maybe up to Alaska and down to mexico. I got some plans to see whats out there. I know there is more out there than whats on a dinky island.
I been talking informally to a couple of realtors and I plan to be somewhere just south of the Oregon border close to a town called Yreka. Not Eureka but Yreka. Google it. If you were watching on tv last year about Jodi Arias, who stabbed her boyfriend 29 times and got convicted murder1. She was born in Yreka. A little tidbit about the town I am planning to live nearby. :p The plan is to buy a little property, build a little house and just ride all over the godam place

I hadn't realized what a hassle it is to move. Like changing/cancelling your mail, your cable bill, electric, water etc. Informing your doctor, dentist, accountant, lawyer, dope dealer and others I've yet to figure out yet. Not to mention selling or getting rid of all possessions. I mean every little screwdriver to lawn mower to drills to pots and pans to furniture to tv and stereo etc. I am the typical guy who owns a helluvalot of stuff and most of it is gone. Strange feeling. I'm keeping my toothbrush and some underwear and socks though.

Oh I am still a phone junkie, that I will keep also. Ordered a Nexus 6 last week so I gotta stick around to get that before I leave. I was mashing the f5 button at the play store the first couple of weeks but couldn't get one early, So I ordered from Moto a tad late. I kinda wanted to get the move on a little earlier in year. It's pretty cold in the east and getting colder. Even northern cali is down in the 30's. Imma gonna freeze my Hawaiian **$ off.

Just a little side note....I came across some weird stuff this morning. I made a post in the Lounge earlier. It blew my mind.

This is a major step for a meek mild mannered Hawaiian boy to pick up and leave the only place he has ever known. (did I type that?). Anyway, you guys and girls all have a great day and wish me luck, I will need some. I may drop by before I leave but theres stuff to be done yet. I'm looking at escrow closing in about a week and theres some stuff that can't be done until the last second like what to do with this comp I'm typing on and keeping enough detergent for a last laundry. ;p

OK thanks for reading this novel, I do realize I may have been rambling and spewing nonsense. I am after all a geriatric. :) and Johnly, davidnc, dancing.....good to see you guys.

Laura Knotek

Moderator Captain
Jan 8, 2011
Visit site
Hey folks, hows it goin?

Soo, this is where all the big shots at AC hang out. Man, I haven't been here in over a year. Couple of peeps I recognize would be johnly, davidnc, dancing bass. Hows you all doing???
::WAVES!!":: davidnc a mod, good going dude.

For those who don't know me, if you look back in the first few hundred pages, I used to be around here quite a lot. In fact, dare I say, I was the one who came up with this chatter room concept and zero neck took the lead and started this thread. I mean you can't possibly talk about phones ALL the time can you? It has come a long way from the humble beginnings with some nerds owning the fabulous Verizon galaxy nexus wanting to hang out and just shoot the breeze to what seems like a moderator secret club area! lol. Plus it really builds up them post counts right? Lets be honest, postcounts are all important in a forum. Don't be offended, we all know its true. Such is life in cyberland.

I look back fondly at my days with the galaxy nexus. It was something special in the beginning....but as time went on it did have its shortcomings. You know the crappy battery life, camera, radios heck almost everything sucked toward the end. I really sharpened my flashing skills with that phone though. But that sucker could do some major lag. Would stutter all over the place. So I been through the 4, the 5, and now coming up the 6. I really like them nexus you could say. We really used to flash alot back then, even a couple times a day in the car or whacking a burger at micky-d's. With zero, dmmarck, 2def .... fun times. This was our HQ and we would decide what was good to flash and blast away. This guy DroidTh3ory (I think thats the spelling) was big time back then with his wierd sounding roms like complx or symplx or something. I hardly flash much nowadays, but I make sure something nice is on the phone. My n5 had carbon and some custom kernel for months before I installed lollipop a week ago.

I just dropped by to say there are some big changes in my life and being single, I really don't have anyone to talk to, so I decided to tell some virtual people in cyberland whats going on.
I live in Hawaii, on the big island and have been for 59 years. Wow a geriatric using a smartphone, buying a new cutting edge one every year and typing stuff on the internet and uh I can hardly believe it myself. I am totally NOT into social media stuff though, too intrusive for my tastes.
Anyway, I am an avid street bike rider (Japanese sport bikes, no Harleys) and living on an island just don't cut it. It's like riding in a big circle track. Just round and round on a rock in the middle of some (a lot) of water.

So, I just decided WTF and am in the middle of escrow selling my house and moving to Northern California. This is a MAJOR if not the only thing on my "bucket list" that I've wanted to do for so long. Hawaii is nice and all, but after being here for so long, its time to leave. I've grown to hate mostly everything about here....the food, the weather, the roads, the beaches, no entertainment etc. etc. etc. I need to see some NFL and NBA in person. Not on tv. I need to get to bass pro shops, Cabelas, and all the other mega type stores. I need in-n-out burgers, carl's, chick-fil-a, and who know what else. We have a poor standard of living in Hawaii. I just been learning about GMO stuff that Monsanto has crammed down our gut for the last 20 years, so I am gonna try and stay away from that stuff, even though it will be near impossible. At least some effort will be there on my part. Read up about it, that stuff is nasty. Another issue that pretty bad is this thing called fracking. Uh another nasty situation we have going on. America is in a bad place at the moment and the govt is not helping. They are mostly the cause of our problems.
Ok, ok those last couple of thoughts are rants I agree, but try googling gmo and fracking and you might be shocked. Better, try typing those two things in youtube.

But I am looking forward to biking to like the florida keys, up the northeast (when it gets way warmer of course) the great plains maybe up to Alaska and down to mexico. I got some plans to see whats out there. I know there is more out there than whats on a dinky island.
I been talking informally to a couple of realtors and I plan to be somewhere just south of the Oregon border close to a town called Yreka. Not Eureka but Yreka. Google it. If you were watching on tv last year about Jodi Arias, who stabbed her boyfriend 29 times and got convicted murder1. She was born in Yreka. A little tidbit about the town I am planning to live nearby. :p The plan is to buy a little property, build a little house and just ride all over the godam place

I hadn't realized what a hassle it is to move. Like changing/cancelling your mail, your cable bill, electric, water etc. Informing your doctor, dentist, accountant, lawyer, dope dealer and others I've yet to figure out yet. Not to mention selling or getting rid of all possessions. I mean every little screwdriver to lawn mower to drills to pots and pans to furniture to tv and stereo etc. I am the typical guy who owns a helluvalot of stuff and most of it is gone. Strange feeling. I'm keeping my toothbrush and some underwear and socks though.

Oh I am still a phone junkie, that I will keep also. Ordered a Nexus 6 last week so I gotta stick around to get that before I leave. I was mashing the f5 button at the play store the first couple of weeks but couldn't get one early, So I ordered from Moto a tad late. I kinda wanted to get the move on a little earlier in year. It's pretty cold in the east and getting colder. Even northern cali is down in the 30's. Imma gonna freeze my Hawaiian **$ off.

Just a little side note....I came across some weird stuff this morning. I made a post in the Lounge earlier. It blew my mind.

This is a major step for a meek mild mannered Hawaiian boy to pick up and leave the only place he has ever known. (did I type that?). Anyway, you guys and girls all have a great day and wish me luck, I will need some. I may drop by before I leave but theres stuff to be done yet. I'm looking at escrow closing in about a week and theres some stuff that can't be done until the last second like what to do with this comp I'm typing on and keeping enough detergent for a last laundry. ;p

OK thanks for reading this novel, I do realize I may have been rambling and spewing nonsense. I am after all a geriatric. :) and Johnly, davidnc, dancing.....good to see you guys.

Hi davey11,

I'm happy to meet you! You probably don't know me, but I was lak611 on CB, when I joined back in May 2009. I've since switched to Windows Phone and am the Mod Team Leader now at WindowsCentral, but I like chatting and staying in touch with the folks I knew from CB plus new folks I've met since then.

Either Hawaii or California would be great for me now. We're having freaking cold weather here in Cleveland, OH, and it isn't even winter yet officially. It feels like a normal day here (if that normal day were in January).

It's nice to see you posting here again, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

Good luck with your move from Hawaii to California. :)


Super Moderator
Jun 8, 2010
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Hey folks, hows it goin?

Soo, this is where all the big shots at AC hang out. Man, I haven't been here in over a year. Couple of peeps I recognize would be johnly, davidnc, dancing bass. Hows you all doing???
::WAVES!!":: davidnc a mod, good going dude.....(snip)

(snip)........OK thanks for reading this novel, I do realize I may have been rambling and spewing nonsense. I am after all a geriatric. :) and Johnly, davidnc, dancing.....good to see you guys.

Hi Davey good to see one of the original members stop back by :D.
I'm doing good overall ,no real complaints or worries
I dont know what happen to Zero, once in awhile dmmarck has stopped in,, an once 2def .Even NIN isn't here as much Those were alot of good times , flashing all the times, multible times compairing Roms, etc.,.

Yeah I saw that you posted about Rootzwik I,haven't been there in years but a shame what it turned into(stupid spammers).

I can only imagine how it would be moving from an island back to mainland.It was kinda rough for me just moving back to N.C. from Northwest Michigan.That was before this thread started though ,ha.

Do you still BBQ? I remember that cooker you had. I guess you might sell it there since it would cost a lot just to move it back .
I remember you saying how much it cost to get it from mainland to Hawaii.Good luck on your move hope it goes well.I know I would probably forget something(s) once I unpacked at my new location . :)

I also have the Moto X and Moto X (2014) haven't flashed anything in over a year. I still got My Galaxy Nexus although it hasn't been on in awhile.As far as the Nexus 6 goes I wont get it for awhile if I do ,mainly cause its kinda so kinda big.Once it goes down in price some and I have more money to spend on my hobbies I may purchase it,ha.Still vzw is my only option for good coverage on my trips around the south,midwest and places inbetween.
The Moto X (2014) is almost to big wouldn't want any larger. I got it was to get it off contract though Moto Maker , customize it and more memory. I couldn't do that with Moto X (2013) since Moto Maker was available with vzw at time of purchase.

Don't be too much of a stranger the one things that havent changed or the food pics,and typical off topic chatter.Mainly the hacking stuff is what is talked about as much but at times.

For all y'all newer people, hacking used to be the main topic and the Galaxy Nexus the main phone in this forum.Off topic stuff always existed and the food pics started later and still continue.
Take care Davey :) Great hearing from ya .

PS: Thanks I been a Moderator since about Feb of this year. I was lucky enough to get selected.
Last edited:

Laura Knotek

Moderator Captain
Jan 8, 2011
Visit site
Speaking of Nexus, how is the Nexus 5? Is it still a good device, or is it rather outdated now? Does it run Lollipop well?
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk


Retired Ambassador
Aug 26, 2013
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Speaking of Nexus, how is the Nexus 5? Is it still a good device, or is it rather outdated now? Does it run Lollipop well?
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk

Still good. Arguably better than the Nexus 6. Definitely runs 5.0 better than the N6, at least with encryption turned off.


Moderator Captain
Trusted Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Good morning people!!

I can tell the holiday's are coming up when I work more hours at my part-time job than I do at my full-time job.

I need a vacation already.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
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Crazy hectic day... so glad I have tomorrow off!

Slight victory - my bro who is pretty entrenched in Apple's ecosystem, just purchased his first Android tablet. OK, OK, it's for his daughter to replace her dying iPod touch 2nd gen. BUT, he was asking good questions about what was best within his budget. He got an ASUS Memo Pad HD7 for $150(CND), regularly $180. I strongly encouraged him to try to find a Nexus7 (first or second gen) because that would be less of a learning curve (and less crapware to deal with). He was gonna pick one up locally today but I guess they sold out, so this was the 2nd choice.

So evening's I'll be playing tech support, teaching someone who's used to iOS and Mac the in's and out's of Android!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Retired Moderator
Oct 6, 2010
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Hey folks, hows it goin?

Soo, this is where all the big shots at AC hang out. Man, I haven't been here in over a year. Couple of peeps I recognize would be johnly, davidnc, dancing bass. Hows you all doing???
::WAVES!!":: davidnc a mod, good going dude.

For those who don't know me, if you look back in the first few hundred pages, I used to be around here quite a lot. In fact, dare I say, I was the one who came up with this chatter room concept and zero neck took the lead and started this thread. I mean you can't possibly talk about phones ALL the time can you? It has come a long way from the humble beginnings with some nerds owning the fabulous Verizon galaxy nexus wanting to hang out and just shoot the breeze to what seems like a moderator secret club area! lol. Plus it really builds up them post counts right? Lets be honest, postcounts are all important in a forum. Don't be offended, we all know its true. Such is life in cyberland.

I look back fondly at my days with the galaxy nexus. It was something special in the beginning....but as time went on it did have its shortcomings. You know the crappy battery life, camera, radios heck almost everything sucked toward the end. I really sharpened my flashing skills with that phone though. But that sucker could do some major lag. Would stutter all over the place. So I been through the 4, the 5, and now coming up the 6. I really like them nexus you could say. We really used to flash alot back then, even a couple times a day in the car or whacking a burger at micky-d's. With zero, dmmarck, 2def .... fun times. This was our HQ and we would decide what was good to flash and blast away. This guy DroidTh3ory (I think thats the spelling) was big time back then with his wierd sounding roms like complx or symplx or something. I hardly flash much nowadays, but I make sure something nice is on the phone. My n5 had carbon and some custom kernel for months before I installed lollipop a week ago.

I just dropped by to say there are some big changes in my life and being single, I really don't have anyone to talk to, so I decided to tell some virtual people in cyberland whats going on.
I live in Hawaii, on the big island and have been for 59 years. Wow a geriatric using a smartphone, buying a new cutting edge one every year and typing stuff on the internet and uh I can hardly believe it myself. I am totally NOT into social media stuff though, too intrusive for my tastes.
Anyway, I am an avid street bike rider (Japanese sport bikes, no Harleys) and living on an island just don't cut it. It's like riding in a big circle track. Just round and round on a rock in the middle of some (a lot) of water.

So, I just decided WTF and am in the middle of escrow selling my house and moving to Northern California. This is a MAJOR if not the only thing on my "bucket list" that I've wanted to do for so long. Hawaii is nice and all, but after being here for so long, its time to leave. I've grown to hate mostly everything about here....the food, the weather, the roads, the beaches, no entertainment etc. etc. etc. I need to see some NFL and NBA in person. Not on tv. I need to get to bass pro shops, Cabelas, and all the other mega type stores. I need in-n-out burgers, carl's, chick-fil-a, and who know what else. We have a poor standard of living in Hawaii. I just been learning about GMO stuff that Monsanto has crammed down our gut for the last 20 years, so I am gonna try and stay away from that stuff, even though it will be near impossible. At least some effort will be there on my part. Read up about it, that stuff is nasty. Another issue that pretty bad is this thing called fracking. Uh another nasty situation we have going on. America is in a bad place at the moment and the govt is not helping. They are mostly the cause of our problems.
Ok, ok those last couple of thoughts are rants I agree, but try googling gmo and fracking and you might be shocked. Better, try typing those two things in youtube.

But I am looking forward to biking to like the florida keys, up the northeast (when it gets way warmer of course) the great plains maybe up to Alaska and down to mexico. I got some plans to see whats out there. I know there is more out there than whats on a dinky island.
I been talking informally to a couple of realtors and I plan to be somewhere just south of the Oregon border close to a town called Yreka. Not Eureka but Yreka. Google it. If you were watching on tv last year about Jodi Arias, who stabbed her boyfriend 29 times and got convicted murder1. She was born in Yreka. A little tidbit about the town I am planning to live nearby. :p The plan is to buy a little property, build a little house and just ride all over the godam place

I hadn't realized what a hassle it is to move. Like changing/cancelling your mail, your cable bill, electric, water etc. Informing your doctor, dentist, accountant, lawyer, dope dealer and others I've yet to figure out yet. Not to mention selling or getting rid of all possessions. I mean every little screwdriver to lawn mower to drills to pots and pans to furniture to tv and stereo etc. I am the typical guy who owns a helluvalot of stuff and most of it is gone. Strange feeling. I'm keeping my toothbrush and some underwear and socks though.

Oh I am still a phone junkie, that I will keep also. Ordered a Nexus 6 last week so I gotta stick around to get that before I leave. I was mashing the f5 button at the play store the first couple of weeks but couldn't get one early, So I ordered from Moto a tad late. I kinda wanted to get the move on a little earlier in year. It's pretty cold in the east and getting colder. Even northern cali is down in the 30's. Imma gonna freeze my Hawaiian **$ off.

Just a little side note....I came across some weird stuff this morning. I made a post in the Lounge earlier. It blew my mind.

This is a major step for a meek mild mannered Hawaiian boy to pick up and leave the only place he has ever known. (did I type that?). Anyway, you guys and girls all have a great day and wish me luck, I will need some. I may drop by before I leave but theres stuff to be done yet. I'm looking at escrow closing in about a week and theres some stuff that can't be done until the last second like what to do with this comp I'm typing on and keeping enough detergent for a last laundry. ;p

OK thanks for reading this novel, I do realize I may have been rambling and spewing nonsense. I am after all a geriatric. :) and Johnly, davidnc, dancing.....good to see you guys.

What's up Hawaii!!! Dave Chatter is riddled with mods and big shots, other than the BIG SHOTS, but let's face it, it isn't about post counts, it is about late night brews and off topic posts, really, who would want to come up in here to increase post count? If it isn't good off topic, they get banned fast no? Ha ha ha we haven't talked about grouper in ages LMAO!!! The secret club is way below Chatter ha ha, nobody hiding here lol.

Long time no hear bro! It is like you have been off the grid for awhile. Glad you checked in. Chatter has become way more than what it was intended to be at the beginning, almost like it has taken on a life of its own, which it has. Thanks for stopping in, chatter will always be, thanks to whatever force is strong here. Good luck with the move, don't know how an oasis could ever tire, but three plus decades, over there, come on in to the big 48 and play

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