check to see if phone is unlocked


New member
Mar 8, 2024
How can i check to see if a phone is unlocked or locked to a certain carrier? I have the phone and imei. Before redpocket and boost mobile when i was choosing aphone service would check the imei of the phones i was looking at on ebay used or new and say it was compatible also as well somewhere i was able ot see if the status said locked or unlocked. If anyone can has the ability to see all the phones information or status please let me know. Cricket i think checked the status of one which said black listed but someone did send me a screen shot saying unlocked i believe one time of one phone i was looking into purchasing.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
Welcome to AC!
If you buy from eBay aren't you protected if they advertise unlocked version and it's not ? Could return it ,No?

Which phone your looking at?


New member
Mar 8, 2024
Hey it functions its currently used with a tmobile network sim. I was curious if their was a way to check if its locked or unlocked thru an imei check. However i had a prepaid yearly plan that operates off gsmt or gsm t-mobile 4 g so i take it if its current network is t-mobile it should operate with a 4g gsm t-mobile network card. Tho under the battery cover it says 4gsm and cdma frequencies so i was wondering if it could be used with both. Some phones only have 1 or the other 4g or cdma and when i was buying a phone in 2021 i had got the motorola g power 2021 unlocked from best buy as it operates off both gsm and cdma.