Confused- Why would anyone buy the HTC One X?


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Apr 4, 2012
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First off, this is a legitimate question, I don't have any of these devices so I am not biased towards any side,( I have the HTC One S, no intentions of buying any of the two phone)
it is strange as to how watered down ATT One series phone is.

Both HTC One X and the EVO 4G LTE are basically the same phone but Sprint's version is better equipped.

EVO 4G LTE trumps the One X is all areas, why would anyone buy the HTC One X if the EVO 4G LTE is clearly better

It has a better design with red and black adding style
It has a kickstand
It has a bigger battery
It has a microSD slot
and it has a dedicated camera button

ATT to me got ripped off big time, Sprint clearly has the better phone at the same pricepoint


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Jun 2, 2011
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Yup your right.. Got it white with blue HTC cover like it this way :) as well at& t is better regarding service in my area.

Sent from my HTC One X using Android Central Forums


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Jun 24, 2011
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Kickstand - I hate the kickstand. Its a waste IMO. I have no use for it. Plus IF I wanted the kickstand I could get a case to have it...

Red & Black design - IMO it looks ugly. Still a great device! But I'm sorry the gray or white HOX looks a lot better. Sleeker and its not all glossy on the back with the black.

Bigger battery - Its nice but it doesn't help me if I have to roam all the time off and on due to their spotty service in my area.

MicroSD Card - Yeah you got that...The ONLY thing that I am jealous of!

Camera Button - Nothing I want nor need. Its a neat idea but I'd just rather have it apart of the app. One less thing to fall off or break later in the device's life!

Sprint Network - Why settle for Sprint's dial up network when I can have ATT's HSPA+ network with 5-7 meg down on 3G? Neither have LTE in my area...But LTE will kill your battery like crazy! EVen when I had my Evo 3D while in Boston WiMax was not all that great. Signal was bad in buildings and what not. I hope they fix this with LTE! Plus ATT will have LTE in my area before Sprint...

Also before switching from my 3D...The speed tests in my area was avg around 200K! Now I understand others have better speeds but still. Anything less than 1meg is not ok in my book.

So this folks, is why I left Sprint for the ATT One X! Sprint still has a great device! Its just crippled by its network in my area IMO...


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Oct 9, 2009
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-Existing LTE network
-Higher 3G speeds (HSPA)
-People who are already with AT&T and are happy with it (family plans)
-Most people use less than 2GB a month, so the limited data doesn't affect them. (I gave my gf my unlimited LTE verizon plan, and she only used 500MB in a week.)


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May 14, 2012
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Well i too think the Evo lte is a better phone but it really boil's down to which carrier you have/prefer.

I have Sprint, love the phone. Its everything the One X is and then some.

Simply put the Evo is a better phone but it just may not work in your area/on your carrier. If you're with at&t you also have a great choice in the One X...even if it is second best lol


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Oct 7, 2010
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Simply put. At&t actually has LTE right now. Also the 3G network is a Lot better. Which phone looks better is also a matter of opinion. I wouldn't get neither of these phones though without a removable battery.

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Apr 5, 2010
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Because one is on Sprint...and one is on AT&T. Not many people are going to ditch their actual 4G network and their fast 3G speeds to come get the exact same phone on Sprint where they'll enjoy "no" 4G and horrid 3G speeds just for the s and giggles of having a kickstand... UNLESS, they're trying to save money and feel like switching to sprint is a good economical choice for them right now.
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Apr 25, 2012
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The Evo is certainly a better phone. The black and red looks much better when you have it in your hands than it does in pictures.

The camera button would have been a huge bonus for me except with the phone being so large, thin, and light, how hard you have to press the button (which isn't really very hard) makes it more difficult to get a good picture and I end up with blurry pictures unless I support in with my palm. So I end up using the on screen shutter anyway.

I'm returning my Evo because Sprint's service turned out to be pretty bad where I recently moved to. Well that and the fact that when I use it as a GPS it stops tracking and tells me "searching for GPS" about every 5 minutes. Which never happened on my Nexus One taking the same route.

I'm going to go to AT&T and either get a One X or a Galaxy Nexus unlocked from Google.


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May 14, 2012
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1st point is your speeds are relative to where you live

2nd This is NOT the exact same phone, the sd card is worth the price of admission alone.

3rd Yes if you like being limited in your data usage then sure, pick a company that limits you

You can currently reach your data cap faster than Sprint customers then pay the overages. Yea thats not what i want. I use near 10 gig a month.

With lte coming people will be more apt to use their date whether it be via surfing, tethering or whatever.


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Jun 24, 2011
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1st point is your speeds are relative to where you live

2nd This is NOT the exact same phone, the sd card is worth the price of admission alone.

3rd Yes if you like being limited in your data usage then sure, pick a company that limits you

You can currently reach your data cap faster than Sprint customers then pay the overages. Yea thats not what i want. I use near 10 gig a month.

With lte coming people will be more apt to use their date whether it be via surfing, tethering or whatever.

1) Yes speeds may differ based on where you live.

2) At its core it IS the SAME PHONE. Its just Sprints version.

3) With ATT I do not feel. limited like I did with Sprint. ATT's network is just better over all. In my area anyways.

4) I Only avg 1-2 gigs a month. Thats with heavy use. At work and at home I use WiFi. So unlimited does nothing for me.

So we could disagree all day. It's a different matter for each person. Its bigger than "What phone is better?" They are pretty much the same thing. Its more of a "Whats better for you?" sorta question. Pretty cut and dry to me.


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Aug 1, 2010
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Unfortunately AT&T usually has crippled phones compared to Sprint. Case in point when I had my HTC Touch Pro AT&T sold their version of this phone with less storage and half the processing power. Both phones were the same except AT&T hobbled their version. This just seems to be business as usual for AT&T. Yes AT&T's network may be better depending on where you are but Sprint does have unlimited data, better selection of phones IMHO, and better rates. I cannot afford to go and spend $50 or more per month to switch carriers.
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Nov 16, 2010
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First off, this is a legitimate question, I don't have any of these devices so I am not biased towards any side,( I have the HTC One S, no intentions of buying any of the two phone)
it is strange as to how watered down ATT One series phone is.

Both HTC One X and the EVO 4G LTE are basically the same phone but Sprint's version is better equipped.

EVO 4G LTE trumps the One X is all areas, why would anyone buy the HTC One X if the EVO 4G LTE is clearly better

It has a better design with red and black adding style
It has a kickstand
It has a bigger battery
It has a microSD slot
and it has a dedicated camera button

ATT to me got ripped off big time, Sprint clearly has the better phone at the same pricepoint


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Jun 24, 2011
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Unfortunately AT&T usually has crippled phones compared to Sprint. Case in point when I had my HTC Touch Pro AT&T sold their version of this phone with less storage and half the processing power. Both phones were the same except AT&T hobbled their version. This just seems to be business as usual for AT&T. Yes AT&T's network may be better depending on where you are but Sprint does have unlimited data, better selection of phones IMHO, and better rates. I cannot afford to go and spend $50 or more per month to switch carriers.

ATT is not much more. For a single line anyways. When you take Sprint's cheapest amount of minutes and unlimited data you will pay $69.99 but lets also not forget the extra $10.00 charge for "premium data" too. So that will put you at $79.99 a month plus taxes and charges. With ATT I got mine down to $89.99 a month + 15% discount. So it pretty much makes up that extra $10.00 for me. So even if you didn't get a discount or you did with both its only $10.00 more a month.

ATT Phones are held back? That might be correct. But Sprints service in most areas seems to be. If you have a bad connection you still cant use the phone to its fullest potential. But your still correct...To some that may not matter. So really it comes down to the user. Not saying that your choice is bad nor good. I'm just saying for me ATT was a much better choice for my money. And for you it might be Sprint. And I'm cool with that! So don't take my post as a flame please. Just explaining my thought process. Thought people might find it interesting.


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Aug 3, 2010
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Funny cause I was actually considering switching networks after being only 25 minutes away from my house where I was getting a little over 1 mbps and then it was down to 0.05 mbps...

That's a little ridiculous in my opinion..


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Jun 24, 2011
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Here is a HUGE reason: ROOTING! If your into rooting the LTE is so much easier, and this opens up customization the many love and want.

The device has been rooted and bootloader unlocked. Give it a month and it will become just as easy. But currently your correct. But even with a rooted device...If the speeds are horrid you still held back. Sprint needs to fix their 3G. Im sure they are aware of this. But this will turn many customers off and make others leave. Such as my self.

Network > Device > Pricing is how I look at it currently. If it was like a meg difference then I would have kept my LTE pre order.
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Apr 25, 2010
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Well Sprint has differentiated itself with the 4LTE. For most it will come down to who they are with and if they are happy. If they are having issues then they will bolt to the other provider. Be it ATT or Sprint.

Yes Sprint is 3G for now. But for many that will change in the next to coming months. This is like WiMax 2 years ago. At first only small parts of big cites had it. Then they spread out and many got it. Yes I know many never did and that's a shame, GET OVER IT. With Network Vision they have a proper plan to roll out LTE in 1900 then later to 800 when iden is retired. At worst Sprint with its LTE roll out is behind 8 to 10 months. Most of VZ and ATT's systems haven't even be put on the list for LTE. It will get better.

I have my own reasons why i choose one over the other and many will do the same. It all comes down to choice.


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Dec 3, 2009
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Sprint's LTE network won't be as fast as Verizon's or AT&T's because it's being rolled out in smaller MHz chunks.

Sprint’s 4G LTE will be slower than AT&T’s or Verizon’s

Sprint’s LTE Network To Be Slower But More Consistent Than Verizon, AT&T | WebProNews

LTE iPhones/iPads On Sprint Will Be Slower Than On Verizon Or AT&T | Cult of Mac

AND, since Sprint is using it's 800Mhz spectrum, we all know that the higher in frequency you go, the less it penetrates buildings. 700 > 800

My question is, why would you want to use Sprint's HTC 4G LTE when Sprint doesn't currently have official LTE, nor is using any "4G" tech on the device, when the One X on AT&T can hit 50Mbps or higher..
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