Copy and paste


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Dec 4, 2009
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long press on the email...anywhere. it will give you the option to "copy text" that. THEN run your finger tip over the text that you want to copy. It will highlight it and when you let go it will copy the highlighted part to the clipboard. then paste it where you want.


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Jan 3, 2010
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As far as I know, you cannot select text in the gmail app, for some reason. However, if you have pop or imap support in gmail, you could set up your gmail account in the mail app as well, and do cut/copy from there.

It seems silly that the gmail app doesn't have cut/copy/paste, but it doesn't seem to.


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Dec 4, 2009
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I don't usually use my gmail but I just tried it, copied text from a gmail and pasted it into a sms msg and it worked fine for me.


Dec 24, 2009
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I have tried this from Gmail, Text, and from my Exchange email using Touchdown and none of the applications have allowed me to copy and paste. I hold down on the email and nothing happens.

land of the trill

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Jan 16, 2010
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As of now if you want to copy text in any of the email apps you must have a hardware keyboard and if you have one then you in luck. Hold down shift and scroll to the desired text and press in on the trakball or touchpad and highlight what you want then let go of shift.


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Dec 4, 2009
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No. copy/paste from gmail or any email works fine like this. I have used it countless times.

long press on the email...anywhere. it will give you the option to "copy text" that. THEN run your finger tip over the text that you want to copy. It will highlight it and when you let go it will copy the highlighted part to the clipboard. then paste it where you want.
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Jan 3, 2010
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No. copy/paste from gmail or any email works fine like this. I have used it countless times.

long press on the email...anywhere. it will give you the option to "copy text" that. THEN run your finger tip over the text that you want to copy. It will highlight it and when you let go it will copy the highlighted part to the clipboard. then paste it where you want.

Do you have an Eris? If you open up an email message in gmail, and long press - nothing happens. There are three buttons on the bottom - "Archive", "Labels" and "Delete". Press "Menus" and there are more options - "Archive", "Add Star", "Mark Unread", "Change Labels", "Delete" or "More", which yields "Back to Inbox", Mute", Report Spam". Nowhere is there an option to copy text.

If you long press on a message in the message list in the in box, you get a menu with "Read", "Archive", "Mute", "Mark unread", "Delete", "Add star", "Change labels", "Report spam".

You can copy text with a long press from the "Mail" app, however. You simply cannot from the gmail app on the Eris. I prefer the gmail app - it pushes mails, it has the ability to archive mail in gmail, move to a different label, etc. The Mail app does allow you to move messages to a different label, though not as easily, and it is not push mail - it must be set up to poll for messages at a specific time interval. I prefer push myself.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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Reply, long press anywhere.



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Jan 18, 2010
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No copy & paste is available with Gmail on my Eris purchased 11/09, even after 2 official OTA (successful, I think) updates. So when in the Gmail app, I am forced to use a 3rd party market app to "take care of business." :-( The "Text Edit" app has become essential for me to work productively in Gmail.
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Dec 4, 2009
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Do you have an Eris? If you open up an email message in gmail, and long press - nothing happens. There are three buttons on the bottom - "Archive", "Labels" and "Delete". Press "Menus" and there are more options - "Archive", "Add Star", "Mark Unread", "Change Labels", "Delete" or "More", which yields "Back to Inbox", Mute", Report Spam". Nowhere is there an option to copy text.

Yes I do have an Eris. My bad though. I didn't realize you were referring to the gmail app, which I don't use. In the regular mail app copy/paste works fine. Seems kind of a stupid move by google not to include that in the gmail app.