Dbrand skin review


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Dec 19, 2011
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This review is my experience with dbrand as well as the product i revived. This does not reflect everyone or every product they ship. You may have a better or an even worse experience.


The site is simple and easy to get around on. My only complaint is that the digital images they use look nothing like what you will get. Keep in mind when i ordered i was on a work computer with a monitor that has been calibrated to be 100% color accurate. This was not a cheap system. The Titanium i received was much lighter. They really should have an image of the product they are selling or at least some sample photo's of what it looks like not this digital stuff.


Order processing.

I ordered my skins on a Wed. at night. I expected them to ship by Friday and they did not. They shipped out on Monday the package came on Friday Please note i am only 4 hours and 45 min away from Toronto so those of you on the west cost i am sorry but you will be waiting a while. This is very slow. I was not informed of any problems so this must be normal. To me 2 days to just process a simple order is a bit extreme.



When i emailed them asking about the status of my order i did not revive an email. They only replied to my second email where i told them i was going to contact my bank. Rep offered no solution other then you will get it when it gets there, Would of been nice to have the typical "If it is not there by this day let us know and we will send you out another one."



High end 3M film not the cheaper 3M some places use so it is deff. some nice stuff. Back skin and the side skins fit perfect. The visor on the other hand fit like a typical cheap skin. Very disappointed in that. The Nexus cut out you can see where the blade went to far and between the E and the X there is a spot that is messed up. You can only see it when you get close.

8/10 based on the whole kit. Back,sides,visor,inlay


They have a video. They do a good job at telling you how to do it but my god Dbrands enough with the cheesy effects. Its a tutorial not a 12 years olds first powerpoint. I was surprised you did not put in some filters and lens flares whoever did the editing on that vide please send them to some basic video classes.

Now for the sneaky stuff.

Remember that camera visor skin that fit like junk? Well when i ordered it the price was $0.71. At time of this posting the price has jumped to $0.95. So why the increase? Do they have a junk one they sell cheaper then one that fits they sell for more? I have seen ones that fit and mine was nothing like that the fit is trash. So why the increase in price in a week?

Also Dbrands why do you send me things i did not order? I mean im all for freebies but not when you cut corners on shipping harder then i seen anyone. You sent me 3 extras Nexus logos in black, silver and white. Now at $1.46 each thats a total of $4.38. With that money you could of chose faster shipping or at the very least send me a tracking number. I did not order those and i did not want them.

Total price i payed was $17.09.

Total price payed was $17.09

The skin is good but its not holy grail of skins like people say and they want you to think. I have had better skins and i have had worse. I wont recommend them to anyone. The problems i had, the fit of the camera visor and the fact they would rather waste $4 then offer you a tracking number, faster shipping or even allow you to pay for faster shipping. Dbrands i have money i will pay for faster shipping do you just not want to cram everything into an envelop and drop it off in a mailbox? What gives?index.jpgnex.jpg


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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A few quick notes. The 3 Nexus cutouts that you mentioned actually come standard with back skin so they didn't send those by mistake.

Also, they ship in batches so when they get a certain number of orders, they ship them all at once. I do believe their shipping price is a little high since they are less than $1 to ship and they charge $4 I think.

I'm really surprised you had a bad experience with their customer support. I've had a great experience with them. I ordered a skin for my s6 Edge, then sold the phone for the 6p and they just sent me a new skin for free. Then when installing it on the 6p, I screwed it up and they are sending another replacement. Hopefully this was a one time ordeal and you'd be willing to give them another shot if you needed another skin in the future.


Nov 27, 2012
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I've heard nothing but great things from customer service, and have had a good experience with them as well, so it's a shame you had a hard time. I put mine on wrong and they immediately shipped a replacement at no cost which I received in three days.

IMO the quality is what I expected. Your skin looks nice to be and for $17 I wouldn't expect much more. I'd definitely recommend them to family and friends.


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Aug 3, 2015
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Just my two cents.

1) A quick google search would've showed a lot of pictures of how the different colors look. Agreed that maybe they should have that on their website, but I think anyone could do a quick google search to make sure the color they want to order is accurate. Whenever I order something online, regardless of what it is, I like to look for real life pictures.

2) I've ordered twice and both times they sent out the orders in less than 48 hours, so I guess that depends on luck and timing, and how many orders they have at the moment.

3) If you were displeased with any of the cutouts I'm sure they would send you a replacement free of charge.

4) About the video, I guess it's just a matter of taste. They kept it simple and easy to understand. Maybe you found it too simple, but I imagine they've had a lot of people not being able to install the skins right, so they try to avoid any mistakes. I've seen people commenting that the upper corners never settled right, complaining about it and then someone asks if they used the hair dryer and they say no, when on the video they clearly state that it's needed. So I think for a product like this, clear (maybe excessively clear) instructions are the correct way to go.

5) The lower price was because they had a 25% sale when they launched their blue carbon fiber (I ordered around that time as well). If you do the math you'll see that $0.71 is 75% of $0.95. So it had nothing to do with quality.

6) About the 3 extra Nexus logos, on the video they explain why they send those for free.

Overall, sorry to hear you had a bad experience with them. You should ask for a replacement for the camera cutout and maybe that one will be a better fit. So far I've had no complaints about these skins, I've had people asking me where I got them and I do recommend them :)


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Sep 3, 2015
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1. I live in New Zealand, my skin took 2 weeks to arrive. So that's not too bad I guess.
2. The frame skin never fit perfectly. There was a noticeable gap in the skin between the power button and the volume toggle. I would've lived with it, had it been a black frame on my graphite 6P. Instead this frame was red, and the gap looked odd. So I gave up on the frame skin.
3. The remainder of it fits like a glove.

Posted via the Nexus 6P!


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2011
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1. I live in New Zealand, my skin took 2 weeks to arrive. So that's not too bad I guess.
2. The frame skin never fit perfectly. There was a noticeable gap in the skin between the power button and the volume toggle. I would've lived with it, had it been a black frame on my graphite 6P. Instead this frame was red, and the gap looked odd. So I gave up on the frame skin.
3. The remainder of it fits like a glove.

Thats great. I live 4 hours away and it took a week. So they are pretty bad on shipping but glad you got yours quick.

If the 3 colors come standard then why the hell did i have to pay extra for it? Why was it a separate option? They ship in batches well then i guess they should let people know that hey when we get enough order's we will have so and so walk down to the mail box and toss them in since thats all we do. Proves they are pretty lazy and explains 90% of my issues i have with them. Starting to think someone is a fan boy its ok they wont send you anything for free so no need to push them here. Also why the hell should i have to look all over the internet to find out from other people what these clowns are selling? When i bought my Camaro, chevy let me know what the colors looked like. Never at any point did i have to look online and say they "Hey bro im thinking about buying this car. How does this red look because they dont have a image of what they sell." All that just proves they are lazy so thank you.

But about that video yeah its that bad. First year AV kids can do a better job. They do offer some good tips and show you how to do it pretty good but my god those effects and sound. I watched it at work and its sad when people look in and say "What the hell are you watching" Then ask if its from China. Production cost for that vid must of been a bag of Cheetos.

Also i would be ok with part if it was to small. I would just heat and stretch. But that part was so oversized i couldent even shrink it enough to make it fit as it should.

But Vema mine fit perfect. I did see that with the frame skin its easy to stretch and what not. If you work with a heatgun and put it back on you should be able to get it to fit. The frame skin fit perfect and has no gaps on mine. I will say that if you dont have a clear case that skin will come off or get messed up pretty easy.

Posted via the Nexus 6P!

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