Defective Battery?


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Dec 27, 2012
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I just got my Samsung Galaxy S3 a couple days before Christmas. This is my first smartphone. Before this, I had a prepaid phone from 2002. So I'm not technologically up to speed.

I'm very unhappy with my battery. I did an experiment today where I timed its drain. I surfed the internet and cleared out some old emails. It drained 10% in 45 minutes. Power saving is on, brightness is at the lowest, gps off, location sevices off. I unplugged the phone from the charger this morning, and two hours later, I'm down to 85%, and an hour of that time the phone was on standby. Even though I've never had a smartphone before, I suspect I'm not getting the battery life I should.

When the phone is on standby, it drains 1% an hour. But once the phone is active, it drains very, very fast no matter what I'm doing. Even if I'm just moving icons around on my screen and have both the wifi and mobile data off, it still drains at the same pace. I have drained the battery fully and recharged a few times now (it never gets above 99%), and there's no improvement. It drains a percent for a 3 minute phone call.

Should I go to Verizon and demand a new battery? Give it time? Do a reset? I'm open to all suggestions. I feel like I now have a 200 dollar paperweight. I feel like I can't use my new phone's fun new features because I won't be able to call out in an emergency because the battery just drains so, so fast.


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Dec 29, 2010
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Welcome to the world of smartphones.
Get chargers for your car and work. Get a spare battery.
Put it on charge every spare minute that you have.

The only thing you mentioned that sounded really out of the ordinary is that it doesn't go over 99%. Is that even with an over night charge?


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Dec 5, 2012
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It's normal that it drains that fast mine may even drain faster than that but I don't have the 99% problem I never heard of that but you have nothing to lose by getting a new battery I've already replaced mine twice at AT&T for free but I plan on just getting a spare battery now to just keep in my wallet now so I can always have an extra one with me when I need it


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Dec 27, 2012
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Welcome to the world of smartphones.
Get chargers for your car and work. Get a spare battery.
Put it on charge every spare minute that you have.

The only thing you mentioned that sounded really out of the ordinary is that it doesn't go over 99%. Is that even with an over night charge?

Yes, it was an overnight charge, almost 12 hours. When I turned it on it was at 99%.


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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Welcome to the world of smartphones.
Get chargers for your car and work. Get a spare battery.
Put it on charge every spare minute that you have.

The only thing you mentioned that sounded really out of the ordinary is that it doesn't go over 99%. Is that even with an over night charge?

This. The over 99 does seem odd. I also would like to know if you have tried a overnight charge to see if it hits 100. But yeah... Smartphones are definitely battery drains and that's always been the issue. You can Google it and find tons of articles that editors have written up praising smartphones because... Well look at all we can do... It's just the batteries aren't up to par yet.

I have a charger for home and for work.. Anywhere else I just bum friends chargers since I'm usually hanging with them. I do want a car charger though.. :p

Sent from my Sprint S3 using AC forums


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Dec 27, 2012
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If this is normal, I'm going to cry. I don't have the ability to charge mid-day.

I thought I saw where I was supposed to get up to 20 hours of talk time? But I'm getting around 5? If the screen is on, I get about 5 hours, no matter what I do or don't do.

Depressed. Maybe smartphones aren't for me, then. I need to be able to call out for emergencies, and I feel like I can't leave the house on less than 40% charge.


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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If this is normal, I'm going to cry. I don't have the ability to charge mid-day.

I thought I saw where I was supposed to get up to 20 hours of talk time? But I'm getting around 5? If the screen is on, I get about 5 hours, no matter what I do or don't do.

Depressed. Maybe smartphones aren't for me, then. I need to be able to call out for emergencies, and I feel like I can't leave the house on less than 40% charge.

Yeah sadly this is normal. Unlike dumb phones your doing alot more.. And also as you said the screen is very vivid with colors and having to respond to touch. The 20 hours of talk time is usually from them testing it with a full charge to dead on a call.. Also with the screen being off that entire time and nothing else going on such as email pushes, texts, Web browsing etc.

You can always look into a battery extender. I don't use any but I am sure someone here can recommend one.. Where its basically a case (it will add some bulk) but it is another battery in that case.. So it can help to extend it by a good amount.. Pretty much you'd be able to last all day easily (even with some heavy use) .. Then charge once home / sleeping to be good for the next day.

Sent from my Sprint S3 using AC forums

The SuperUser

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Sep 18, 2012
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I was in the same boat as you, I came from a Samsung Intensity(yes, lol). I was SHOCKED at how fast my battery drained compared to my old phone. I literally got like 3 days on my old 'dumb' phone. But like others have said, take into consideration how much this phone uses, it uses battery for screen, for radios, for everything.
If you still aren't satisfied with the battery you can root your phone and try that route(I did and I go about 2 days on 1 charge)
Always look into JuiceDefender and also look into larger batteries.

I Am The SuperUser


Trusted Member
Sep 16, 2012
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- You could get an extended battery which would increase ur battery size and make it last much longer
- Get this app called Juice really helps save your battery as well