if you can get it back into download mode, then look for the knox code and if it changes from 0 to 1 or says 0x10000 instead od 0x0000 or anything changes besides 0 (0x000) your phone has identified that the system was faulted by the flash and therefore your warranty is now void because the knox security system has changed from the original setting. If it says custom most likely it has detected as well that the system was flipped but because you said it still says samsung official they may let it slide. But im not sure what that means i believe is that the phone is an official samsung and that the flash was an official samsung code but it wasnt the original code on the phone. Sometimes a flash on the phone will change the imei so that could mean why the phone is now custom, More than likely though the repair person will have to flash your system anyway and if that doesnt work then your motherboard isnt being read by NAND and you probably need a replacement, i have been up solving mine and calling eveyr technincian store, repair person, and customer service since my phone did what yours did about 3am this morning. Ive got no sleep had about 3break downs and sadly i think it needs to just be professionally checked. My NAND keeps getting a write fail and nothing is passing over to my phone. i can still get into the recovery mode to perform factory resets and cache wipes but it says dm-veridity verification failed and even after multiple factory resets and cache wipes and accidentally hitting the adb button it has led me no where but a continous boot. My phone is only 12days old. Samsung will cover it because i didnt knock my warranty or show evident of any faulting with the OS. The phone had done a update to a new firmware and once that finished i did a factory reset from the phone settings and when i went back to wipe the cache the phone shut down and since then hasnt been able to go past the logo SAMSUNG GALAXY s6 screen powered by android. So as upset and dissastisfied as i am with the phone, i definately appreciate all the youtube videos, forums, repair technicians, and customer service advice i got today. I have definately learned more than i needed to know lol and downloaded about every type of odin available and both firmwares for the lollipop 5.1.1. for samsung galaxy and the original 5.02 the 5.02 got the farthest in download until it shut down because of the written fail and then again because of COM port, but the other one didnt even get past system configuration so i guess something needs to be looked at immediately. If you know anything please do respond back to this message before i send mine off thanks a bunch lovelies
my phone is a samgun galaxy s6 with model SM-G290P (sprint), i was originally on android 5.02 i guess but i got the phone activated in stores so when it was given to me from the moment i had it i was on 5.1.1. , i also noticed that my phone goes through odin mode easily but wont connect to the computer i have installed the smart switch, uninstalled after it failed to work with kies, i have installed the mobile drive individually and it picked it up on odin but wont pick it up on smart switch. I do know that if i can locate my s/n number then i can just plug it into smart switch to do the factory flash but i cant locate the s/n number being my phone is turned off. i tried the DEC,HEX AKA IMEI, ICC ID, RS UNDER THE BARCODE, AND none of these codes seem to be a valid s/n number. if someone could assist me with that i would be TREMENDOUSLY GREATFULLLLL!!! ALSO BEFORE i could just click my power button once and the phone would come on now i have to slightly hold it a few second for it to even show the logo.i have also noticed that if i charge my phone the phone loops otherwise if i go to download and cancel and then power on the device manually then it shows the logo once and then shuts off. so hurt you guys!
ALSO WHEN MY PHONE IS OFF I CAN SEE THE BATTERY IS CHARGING RIGHT NOW IT IS AT 82%, sorry for the caps i was typing and reading the phone. On the recovery mode update using ADB is disabled apparently and so is the option to update using external storage the apply update from cache is deprecated too and also when i started having a problem when i hit the power button home button and the volume up it showed the little android man died now it shows he is ok and up right like normal but the dm-verity verification failed still , I AM ABLE TO SEE EVERY LOG IVE RECREATED IN RECOVERY UP UNTILT EH VERY FIRST CACEH WIPE I DID THE DAY AFTER I RECIEVED THE PHONE. IS THERE A WAY I CAN TAKE THE IMAGE OR INFO FROM THIS TO REFLASH THE PHONE MAYBE?!!?!?