DeX Station with Note 8?

Sep 13, 2017
Does anyone have the DeX Station with their Note 8?

What I need to do with it is open up Excel, create and edit spreadsheets. Also I need to search websites in desktop mode, (the mobile versions of these sites are lacking) These websites mainly look like a large spreadsheet with all the columns and rows filled out with data. In addition, I'd need to access the TD Ameritrade, and the Fidelity websites in desktop mode. This could eliminate the need of toting a laptop everywhere. I could get a small foldable keyboard and use the TV's in hotels, or monitors in offices.

So, for those of you with a Dex Station that have had a chance to run it through it's paces, is it suited to accomplish those simple tasks?

What does it do well?

Where is it lacking?
To me, toting around a laptop is much easier than toting around a folding keyboard, mouse, and cables for a monitor, and then having to go around looking for a free TV in a hotel or monitor in an office.
Agreed. A really cheap laptop that cost about the same as the Dex would be more convenient imo. Dex would be my last resort.
To me, toting around a laptop is much easier than toting around a folding keyboard, mouse, and cables for a monitor, and then having to go around looking for a free TV in a hotel or monitor in an office.

Samsung could eliminate that issue if this Dex Book concept comes to fruition and the price is right. :)

Where the DEX works best is as an enterprise solution. That is a company can set up workstations with a DEX, keyboard mouse and monitor. This would allow, say a sales person, to connect up to the corporate servers and such and provide the same experience at any site. At similar setup at home would provide the ability to continue where one left off at work. Just one possible good usage of DEX.
i have a dex and really like it. i use it at work when I am on break to browse the internet, check e-mails, hangouts and what not while using my desktop monitor, keyboard and mouse - but off the work network. you do need a fhd+ widescreen monitor with at least two inputs, one for the work computer, one for dex, or you can have a dedicated monitor for dex if you have a dual monitor setup. you would also need either a usb switcher with usb hub, or a bluetooth and usb capable keyboard and mouse.

note that some apps like amazon prime video won't run in dex mode, and nextlix will not allow full screen. there is a hack for the full screen thing, if you need it, but i haven't tried it myself.
Does anyone have the DeX Station with their Note 8?

What I need to do with it is open up Excel, create and edit spreadsheets. Also I need to search websites in desktop mode, (the mobile versions of these sites are lacking) These websites mainly look like a large spreadsheet with all the columns and rows filled out with data. In addition, I'd need to access the TD Ameritrade, and the Fidelity websites in desktop mode. This could eliminate the need of toting a laptop everywhere. I could get a small foldable keyboard and use the TV's in hotels, or monitors in offices.

So, for those of you with a Dex Station that have had a chance to run it through it's paces, is it suited to accomplish those simple tasks?

What does it do well?

Where is it lacking?

i haven't tried those specific sites, but the samsung internet app can view full desktop sites just fine. excel works, but you need an office 365 subscription. alternatively you can use google sheets which is free.

but honestly, if you are moving around a lot then a laptop or a chromebook might be a better option. a dex setup is kinda bulky if you need to move it often.

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