I know it's technically possible to have it since we have ICS. An I would love to use Google NOW!!!!
I know I'm not helping at all, but I'm loving jelly bean on my galaxy nexus!!!! Lol. Jk.
The maxx is a great phone, and I wish the gn had its battery life.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums
lol same here. I felt bad at dinner yesterday when my friend showed me ICS, then I showed him Jellybean on my GN. :/
I sort of admire apple iOS at this point. They release a new upgrade and most users get it a month or so later. I know android and iOS are worlds apart, but can't hate on this fact.
Just a heads up but don't tell anyone you heard it from me. My brothers, girlfriends, sisters uncle's, granddaughters, dog's, goldfish's baby mama's, home boy that were cell mates in prison together works as a Window washer for the company that cleans the windows of the 7-11 that is next door to the Verizon store in intercourse PA. He said that the Verizon rep was out side on a break snorting coke and he told him that JB will start the pre-pre-pre soak test on July 18th. If Motorola doesn't have me on this soak test I will be so pissed and rage post about it until they release JB. I deserve it more than any one else because I said it first. But get ready every body because then we can all laugh and look down our collective noses at all the poor now worthless people who are still running pathetic ICS. If they are god forbid running GB they will be promptly shot and put out of the misery that is their worthless existence.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Really? Were just now digesting ICS and dealing with the new issues that came with it and you're talking JB. Wow.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Android Central Forums
Not entirely true........I have been 'digesting' ICS since around December. Just because Moto and Verizon take their dear sweet time getting it to us.
People want the exciting new features of the next OS (Google Now, improved Notification Bar, etc..) because it's exciting, and innovative. Just because the system is broken doesn't mean consumers need to lower their expectations.
There's zero reason that these updates can't be more efficient and reasonable in their timeframes that they get pushed out. This is Google we're talking about. I am certain it could get done if they really wanted it to. Open Source or not.