Does T Mobile Data Throttle


Active member
Dec 24, 2016
I'm on T Mobile prepaid if it makes a difference.
$60 Unlimited Plus plan.

Current data used 45.13 GB total.
Out of that 12.48 GB is mobile hot spot.

I've drove far enough to be on a different tower and get the same speeds.

Normal speed for my area on T Mobile prepaid averages 5 MBPS.
Current speed for the last few days or so has averaged .52-.60 MBPS.

Im 99 percent sure it isn't a tower issue, and they are data throttling.
I just don't know what else it could be.

Every time you test, for the 1st second speeds jump up to 3 MBPS and then instantly drop to .60 MBPS or under.

The settings on my phone are correct.
Resetting the connection doesn't change anything.
I guess it's possible it's a tower issue affecting two different towers. Doubtful.
I will go a different direction tomorrow and check another tower, to make sure.
Haven t called T Mobile yet.
It says that if you exceed 50 GB of data within a month, you might experience slower speeds during times of network congestion: You haven't quite hit 50 GB but sometimes the amount of data the phone reports it has used may be different from how much the carrier tallies. Which source are you looking at?
It says that if you exceed 50 GB of data within a month, you might experience slower speeds during times of network congestion: You haven't quite hit 50 GB but sometimes the amount of data the phone reports it has used may be different from how much the carrier tallies. Which source are you looking at?
I checked my data usage directly from T Mobile website, just before I started this thread.
I've also speed tested at different times of day and night. Speeds stayed the same at .52-.60 MBPS.
I also live in a rural area so tower congestion shouldn't be an issue.
This is only my second month with T Mobile.
Did you get your phone from T-Mobile, or from somewhere else? What's the exact model number of the phone you have?
Did you get your phone from T-Mobile, or from somewhere else? What's the exact model number of the phone you have?
Not from T Mobile.
Brand new phone bought off of Ebay, from a phone store with excellent feedback.
Originally a Boost Mobile Phone, it is unlocked.
LG Stylo 6. LM-Q730QM
I guess it was a major tower issue affecting more then one tower.
I was going to call yesterday AM, but I tested it one more time and it was back to normal.
I only get 4-5 MBPS which isn't very good, I was getting 10MBPS minimum on Boost Mobile.
... But At least I'm getting 4G LTE again.

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