Does your LG G6 WiFi disconnects for several seconds every couple hours?


New member
May 17, 2013

Does the WiFi on the LG G6 disconnects for several seconds every couple hours on anyone else's device?
I noticed the problem when my Chromecast streams would stop and disconnect randomly. I set up the Tasker app to log when the WiFi dis/connects. Sure enough, the Tasker log shows my WiFi disconnecting for about 9 seconds randomly every couple hours, even though I set the Wi-Fi to always stay on.
I tried to fix this by switching routers, trying different WiFi bands, exempting Wi-Fi associated apps from Battery Optimization, and clearing caches on those same apps. I verified this problem on my wife's phone and a friend's G6. Of course, LG support is not very helpful.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Not sure that it helps, buy mine does it too. It's not too big of a deal and I've never been able to trace the cause.
I noticed this happening over the weekend and thought it was just me. I've only had my G6 a few days now but I use the Roku remote on it and when the screen goes to sleep and I open it back up again the app tells me that WiFi is disconnected and I have to reboot the Roku app every time my screen shuts off longer than a couple minutes. Is it something in Doze that is doing it? I have settings to keep WiFi always on but the Roku app still tells me it is disconnected.
Mine does it too. Not a killer, just a bit annoying. On a similar note, my TV does it as well, just goes blank for a few seconds then comes back on. I think that, at least, is probably my ISP (Comcast)

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