I made the terrible mistake of upgrading my S5e from Android 9 to Android 11 and I regret it whenever I use my tablet. I tried to live with it for a few weeks but everything is for the worse (explained here). I want to downgrade using Odin but Samsung has decided that downgrading to a lower SW Rev. is forbidden. My current SW Rev. is 3 (T720XXS3DWA1) and I want to downgrade to SW Rev. 1 (T720XXU1ATE3) which is the latest Android 9 firmware version.
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the error "SW REV CHECK FAIL: [abl]Fused 3 > Binary 1" is to use the latest firmware version, which is not a solution for me. But there are some obscure videos that explain how to bypass the SW Rev. check: YT video 1 and YT video 2. However, video 1 uses a modified Odin version (potentially dangerous?) and video 2 is too overwhelming/technical for me. So does anyone know how I'm able to downgrade my tablet?
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