Droid Mini - Cant find anything to fit the 3.5mm headphone jack


Aug 2, 2013
So far I've tried 4 different seats of earbuds/headphones around the house and none of them go in far enough (or so it seems) to work at all. Anyone else having this issue or do I have a defective phone?
How hard are you pushing? Some jacks are pretty tight. You should feel or hear a click when it's in all the way.

Also, check to make sure there isn't some debris stuck in the jack, which can happen pretty easily if you often have the phone in your pocket. Use a damp toothpick and root around in there.
All of my wired headphones plug in just fine (ranging from very cheap to very expensive sets...GE, Sennheiser, Beyerdynamic, etc). Both this and my GNex had slightly tight fits on the locking bit so you might have to push a little extra hard until you hear a snap (like a snap button). There will likely be a very tiny gap left at the top of the post.
Hmm - They definitely seem to fit securely but the sound either doesn't come out or continues to come through the external speaker.
Did you feel or hear a click when you felt that you had pushed the plug all the way in? Also, did you check for any debris in the jack?

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