Droid vs. Storm

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Dec 13, 2009
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As a Blackberry Storm, I was so fed up with the Storms lagging. I was unable to make or receive calls. I basically couldn't do much of anything until the phone decided to "catch up" with itself. I believe the Storm could really be an outstanding phone but its operating system is limiting its functionality. I complained to Verizon and they gave me an early upgrade instead of losing me as a customer. I went with the Motorola Droid and I could not be happier. Everything function on the phone is super quick. The call clarity is outstanding, the internet is fast, just everything about the phone is outstanding. I would highly recommend you switch to the Droid. You will be so much more satisfied with it than the Blackberry Storm.

Chris Kerrigan

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Nov 16, 2009
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As a Blackberry Storm, I was so fed up with the Storms lagging. I was unable to make or receive calls. I basically couldn't do much of anything until the phone decided to "catch up" with itself. I believe the Storm could really be an outstanding phone but its operating system is limiting its functionality. I complained to Verizon and they gave me an early upgrade instead of losing me as a customer. I went with the Motorola Droid and I could not be happier. Everything function on the phone is super quick. The call clarity is outstanding, the internet is fast, just everything about the phone is outstanding. I would highly recommend you switch to the Droid. You will be so much more satisfied with it than the Blackberry Storm.

I too came from the Storm over to the Droid and as I have said many times before, I could not be happier that I made the switch. Although I will admit, I never had such horrible issues with my Storm that would have wanted to make me throw it at the wall, I would find it very frustrating that I would have to perform a battery pull virtually every day (especially if I wanted to free up memory).

As much as I love the BlackBerry platform, the OS just feels outdated. I feel that RIM is really starting to fall behind in the Smartphone business. I don't think they're in trouble, but I think the days are long gone where the first word out of anyones mouth is "BlackBerry" when talking about what smartphone to buy.


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Oct 24, 2008
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Closing this thread since there are already more than a few of them. I will merge it with the main thread a bit later.
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