Dropped Calls


May 26, 2012
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I was a Blackberry user for a few years now but recently upgraded to the HTC One S when T-Mobile had their promotions including $50 off the HTC One S, and a $100 credit to trade in an old smart phone. Overall, I am glad to have switched to an Android phone, but there have been some complications along the way.

Currently, my main concern is dropped calls. I have terrible service at my home, so I connect through the wi-fi network I have set up. Whenever I start a call at home and then leave my home, the phone drops the call rather than just switching to the cellular network during the call. When I start a call away from my house, I also usually lose the call when I arrive home and the phone should switch from cellular to Wi-Fi. My Blackberry NEVER had issues with this.

T-Mobile claims this is intentional and this is how HTC designed this phone. A T-Mobile representative claimed this was in part to prevent abuse of people starting a call on wi-fi and then leave the wi-fi area but have none of those minutes charged to their plan. Even if this is the case, I pay for the unlimited plan so this restriction should not apply to me. I am furious if this is what is really going on.

I prefer to initiate calls at home shortly before leaving so I do not have to dial numbers while on the road.

Does anyone have any information on what is really happening here and if there is a workaround to this issue?

Once I get this issue taken care of, I will focus on the battery draining issue. I see another tread on that and will hope over there once my dropped calls is taken care of.



May 26, 2012
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Wow, so far 155 people viewed my thread but no one has responded?

Anyways, another issue I am having with this is I can make calls while on wifi but I can not receive calls. Sometimes I suddenly see a visual voice mail icon but the phone never rang.

Are these issues I am having with wifi normal and what comments do people have on the dropped calls and now not receiving incoming calls while on wifi? While on wifi, my cellular bars have an x by them and zero bars, but should that even matter while using wifi?


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Jun 7, 2010
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I also have this issue among other issues with using the wifi calling. This has been mentioned on other threads. The solution is supposed to be fixed with a software update that should be out soon I hope. I also don't get a good signal at home and use wifi calling. One additional issue I have is I'll be on a call but then 5 minutes in, the wifi enabling will drop and drop the call. Just hang in there, hopefully we'll have a fix soon.


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Jan 13, 2010
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Wow, so far 155 people viewed my thread but no one has responded?

One thing you will miss about your BlackBerry now that you've switched to Android is the community. You can go to a thread that's about Curve 8320 and post a question about a Macbook Air, people will try to give you an answer.

People around here (at least on androidcentral.com) are nice but no one will answer your questions half the time. I've posted a bunch of questions that never got any answers.

Back to your original question. Everyone is having the same problem. I've called T-Mobile and HTC several times and was told that anytime you're leaving/entering wi-fi zone your call will drop. It's not just you, it's the technology that they're using in this phone. UMA on BlackBerry was great while it lasted.


May 26, 2012
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After corresponding with HTC for a while, here is the response that provided the most information. If this is truly something on T-Mobile's end, will they even want to fix the issue or will they leave it "as is"? Also, is there a workaround that users can use?

Here is HTC's reply:
Thanks for getting back to me, Joe. From the information I could find, T-mobile?s Wi-Fi calling application seems to have this problem across all Android phones, not just the One S. Apparently, it has something to with Android not getting true UMA (unlicensed mobile access) services. If you do a Google search for ?uma calling android? you?ll be able to see the same results that I was able to find. From what I can find, it looks like this is something T-Mobile would have to work with Google on to fix in the future.

If you have any other questions or concerns, just let me know. Thanks again for being an HTC customer and taking the time to contact us.

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