Okay, now I'm coming from a couple of years with a Nook, and a year with a Nexus, dropping both of them, well, a lot, and not having a problem with them. However, and thank goodness we got the extended warranty with this, within a week, I dropped the tablet, and not the glass, but the display broke. When we could get a display, or part of display, or just splashes of color, you could see the jagged line across the display where it was broken, and below that, nothing showed. I'm disappointed, and am wondering if durability is a problem with this product. I've not had a problem with drop damage from my old S2 phone, or my current S4 phone, and like I said, didn't have a problem with drop damage from my Nook Color or my Nexus. And yes, all of these, except the S2, have been in cases, including the 8.4.