Emoji on the G2

Feb 7, 2014
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Can someone tell me how to get emoji's working on my G2. I am still running jelly bean. Will it even work? I have recently come across from the iphone so really miss all those cute emoji's


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Nov 29, 2013
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It's meant to be native in Kitkat but i haven't received the upgrade yet, so i can't verify

For jelly bean you could download an emoji keybaord like this
Then go to settings -> language and input -> tick sliding emoji keyboard

Then, whenever you need to type anything in your day to day usage of the phone you'll see "choose input method" in the notifdication bar. If you ned to use emojis in any application, just slide down the notification bar and select the emoji keyboard.
Then slect the normal keypad when you need to use that again,.

Sounds long winded doesn't it :p.
Feb 7, 2014
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It's meant to be native in Kitkat but i haven't received the upgrade yet, so i can't verify

For jelly bean you could download an emoji keybaord like this
Then go to settings -> language and input -> tick sliding emoji keyboard

Then, whenever you need to type anything in your day to day usage of the phone you'll see "choose input method" in the notifdication bar. If you ned to use emojis in any application, just slide down the notification bar and select the emoji keyboard.
Then slect the normal keypad when you need to use that again,.

Sounds long winded doesn't it :p.

That is very long winded and I just don't know if I want to bother with all the switching. I can't wait until I can get kitkat

Thanks for your reply

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Jan 3, 2010
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Don't you have them already in the stock LG keyboard? My Verizon G2 does. The bottom left button opens symbols then the button next to it has a smiley face which opens the emoji options.

Sent from my VS980 4G using AC Forums mobile app


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2012
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Don't you have them already in the stock LG keyboard? My Verizon G2 does. The bottom left button opens symbols then the button next to it has a smiley face which opens the emoji options.

Sent from my VS980 4G using AC Forums mobile app


(p.s. Please turn off your sig! Nobody cares that your post was sent from a VS980 or any other device. :))