Exchange on a note 7 purchased via swappa,eBay, etc, anyone successful?


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
Treated horrible by local corporate store, would not exchange..even though seller called Verizon for me, notes in his account, notes in my account. Called 800 number (Verizon) thought was all straightened out, went back to store, still wouldn't do it. Called Verizon again, rude lady this time and we asked for a supervisor...he wasn't much better....even though our account is noted as owning the phone....if safety is of real concern, why are they being jerks?

Has anyone been successful exchanging that wasn't original purchaser?
We also called Samsung, not much help. Definitely a language barrier..she just kept repeating same thing. We will be contacting an attorney tomorrow
Have you tried contacting Samsung directly? I thought they mentioned that it was possible because they really want as many phones back as possible.

I'm guessing carrier retail stores get all scared because they don't know if devices on eBay are stolen and the original owner just didn't report it. Or maybe they have no idea how to track the original transaction without a receipt.

Good luck.
We also called Samsung, not much help. Definitely a language barrier..she just kept repeating same thing. We will be contacting an attorney tomorrow

There should be a dedicated section to handle the Note 7. I never went through the process, but I know it's not in their best interest to turn you away.

Maybe try to get in touch with the original seller and see if you can get a scan of the receipt. Let them know you're not looking for your money back but need to get a warranty exchange through the carrier.
Well the original seller has contacted Verizon, they even have the order number, but since it's not linked to my account they can't exchange it. The phones are also not supposed to be mailed or shipped, we are talking about driving it to the original owner who lives states from where I am.

I've contacted Samsung, they repeated the same line over and the original owner..I explained I did, then I'd be put on hold and they'd come back and repeat that.
We've also asked that a supervisor contact us but isn't it convenient that it's a 24-48 hour wait for a call back. We've also wondered about contacting the media...I'm not the only consumer to purchase this way
I'm in the same boat here guys. purchased 2 through craigslist and sellers is unable to help me. whatso next here guys? keep it and wait longer or dump it off for next to nothing
Well... Lesson learned, never purchase any expensive product from Craigslist... I had purchased from eBay and had full warranty if the product is sealed. If the product is used... Not idea.
Legality wise I don't see how they can hold a replacement when the item is a danger..if you buy a car from someone, and there's a recall on that car they don't refuse to do the recall work because you weren't the original owner.
This is what Twitter tweets to Samsung are for. You will likely get instant contact. They surely don't want the stigma of not taking defective phones back with a government recall if they happen to torch.

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