Factory reset keeps looping


Aug 21, 2016
I decided to apply a system update today, but the update failed and showed the little Android of death screen with "failed" as the caption. After that, the phone kept restarting, going to the logo screen twice, then to the Android screen of death. I tried to run a factory reset and was able to get in with Power + volDown. Once I did that, the phone appeared to go to the little Android loading icon, restarted, went to the logo screen twice, and then back to the loading icon... this just keeps looping.

At this point, I have no clue what to do. I'm going to attempt to use Android Studio to maybe poke around on the phone, but I have a feeling that's not going to be very fruitful. Does anyone have any guidance on how to fix this, or is my phone basically dead?
Following this up... I was able to get into Download Mode, so I tried resetting using the LGFlashTool, LGD851AT-01-V10c-310-260-JUN-20-2014+0.tot, and LGD851_20140611_LGFLASHv160.dll. Unfortunately, this gives me a Model Information Check FAIL! error, so I tried using the LGUP_8974.dll for the generic dll, but then I get an error saying CrossDL [] to [D851]. SWversion[] error.

Also tried the KDZ approach with the LG Flash Tool 2014 and D85110C_00.kdz file but when I try to flash it, I get some error saying I need to unplug the phone, take out the battery, put the battery back in and reconnect to the PC, then turn the phone on and click the Retry button... but the problem is, when I do that, the phone keeps looping, and the Flash Tool program doesn't pick up on it... just keeps saying take battery out, etc.

I purchased this on Amazon here, so I'm not sure if the unlocked version is any different. Underneath the phone's back plate, I see D851, with S/W V10c and TMO in the tag with the IMEI. The strange thing is, I also see D850 at the bottom of the phone, toward the USB port... yet it claims it's a D851, so I don't know what that means.
Out of complete desperation and frustration, I tried going with the D85130d_00_0404.kdz, and this seems to have worked... my phone is back in working condition.

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