Fake or bad Note 3? please explain?


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May 17, 2012
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I was recently browsing craigslist for a note 3 and saw an ad that caught my eye.. T mobile SAMSUNG NOTE 3 for $400.00. The seller stated the phone had a bad esn but was unlocked and was running on AT&T they also said they had a WIFI (YES WIFI) charger. HOW is this possible? If the phone has a bad esn the best thing you can do is part out it right? When I emailed him this is what he said. The had has been removed since..

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Nov 29, 2013
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Um usually I would recommend that you stay away from device's with bad ESNs however there is a chance that he could have unlocked his device via some method and was now using a SIM that belonged to AT&T (which is entirely possible as phone unlocking is a thing for which hackers often charge money). Moving on, I think by WiFi charger he meant a wireless charger but you just never know with craiglist ads to be certain (people say weird things just to move their product along). I would recomend that you forget about the whole thing and try looking for someone who's not so shady. Or you can ask him for proof :D


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May 17, 2012
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Trust I didn't buy it but I am curious. I guess what I really want to know is how do they hack the ESN?

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Moderator Team VP
Apr 23, 2011
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It sounds sketchy, carriers share the blacklist so he must have hacked it somehow. I would avoid it as what he did to the phone may have been illegal or questionable at best

dpham00, Android Central Moderator
Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 3 via Tapatalk Pro


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
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ESN hacking quite easy and makes the phone take an ESN from a cheapy phone that is good. Its also not hard but requires the right skills and software. The phone will work fine and its not a bad deal either. Where did it say it had a bad ESN as I didn't get that from your image? Also he means inductive charging, which is short range wireless charging, but its very slow and requires your phone lay on a pad. Stop being lazy and plug your friggin phone in! Plus inductive charging cause issues with WiFi signals, normal cell radio signals, Bluetooth, etc which is why we haven't seen it hit mainstream on phones yet.
