first week with my A100


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May 20, 2012
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Picked up my Acer A100 last Saturday and been exploring the device. I like lots of things about it. Like instant on. Great resolution. Perfect size for portability. Awesome sound through external speakers! A native calendar with week view AND readable month view! Zippy web browsing. On board sketch. Great task switcher. And more I haven't discovered yet. Apps downloaded that have enhanced ICS for me:
File Manager HD (lets me move things. To the SD card)
Flash Player ( finally get full experience)
Dice Player (lets me play all my media)
Thumb Keyboard 4 (liking it better each time I use it)
Time recording (work hour tracking)
Documents to go full (allows me to sync to my own PC instead of requiring cloud sync)

Have a 32 Gb card ordered, 16 gb. Installed for now.

Yup! Am liking this little tablet! Hope you are too!


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2011
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Glad you're liking your tab!

I've downloaded File Manager HD but I'm not sure how to use it to transfer apps to my sd card..... Would it be possible for you to walk me through it? Thanks. :)


Active member
Jan 3, 2012
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I just got my A100 on Friday and I couldn't be happier. Updated to ICS right away.

Sent from my A100 using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
May 20, 2012
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Glad you're liking your tab!

I've downloaded File Manager HD but I'm not sure how to use it to transfer apps to my sd card..... Would it be possible for you to walk me through it? Thanks. :)

I'm still learning too. So far I am just moving files and folders to the card like documents pictures and music. I don't think I've actually moved any apps to the card.

I'm not into games so am not worried about hogging memory that way, but I have several thousand photos I tote around and several hundred documents that do hog space.

I am finding that many apps designed for Android seem to want more access to my personal device than I am comfortable accepting so I find myself simply using the browser. Maybe with longer use I will get more comfortable with their access, but it makes me wonder why an app that is NOT photo related needs access to USE any camera on the device?!

I did get to use the A100 outdoors and admit I am disappointed with the screen in sunlight, even at brightest setting it took straining to view. My Palm Pre offers superb outdoor screen visibility that so far all other devices fail. So when using this outside. I will need to make allowances.


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May 25, 2012
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I have had mine for 3 weeks now. Have a ton of great games and apps, making phone and video calls, sending text messages and emails, blazing fast internet with Dolphin HD.... oh, did I mention I stream the NBA and NHL playoffs in HD? I bought it for 179.99 on EBay factory refurbished with a free solid case and stylus. Great machine.

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