[FREE] [APP] LifeRPG Tasks - RPG-like task manager


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Feb 22, 2016
[FREE] [APP] Do It Now - RPG To Do List | Task List

Hi all,
take a look at great task manager in RPG style!
Checkout at Google Play - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.levor.liferpgtasks


Do It Now - tasks management system which allows you to create and track your everyday tasks and develop your virtual self along with skills, characteristics and level-ups.

» Gamification
With this app you will get virtual copy of yourself and ability to track your skills and characteristics. Every created task can be bound to skills and characteristics. And when this task is performed in real life - your virtual hero will get skills and characteristics increased and also gain additional XP.

» Self improvement
Track your personal growth in different areas with customizable characteristics. Basic set of which is Intelligence, Wisdom, Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Perception, Memory, Charisma, Health, Workmanship and Willpower. If you want different - just edit, delete them or add new.

Bound skills to any number of characteristics.
By performing your everyday tasks and improving your life you can level up skills and enhance characteristics. Besides, higher skill level – faster characteristics growth.

Try to gamify your routine to do list and improve yourself, your life and virtual RPG character. His skills and abilities will grow with yours. Make him more powerful and improve your life.

Any number of characteristics can be bound to each skill! For instance, you can add skill “Weightlifting” and bind it to characteristic Strength. Every time when “Weightlifting” skill will level up – Strength level will be also increased. That’s easy and interesting way to improve your life and develop cool virtual RPG hero.

» To do list app
Add your tasks, goals and missions in todo list of our life rpg app and bound each task to any number of skills. For example, you can add task “Gym workout” and bind it to skill “Weightlifting”. Then when you perform workout, this task will be done and “Weightlifting” skill XP will grow.

» Habits
Generate useful habits. Any long-running task can be easily transformed to habit, just enable habit generation in task edit screen. Generate any habit as in RPG game!

» Visualization
Take a look at your self improvement progress with fancy charts. There are Characteristics and Skills charts which will reveal your strong and weak sides. Also there is tasks-per-day chart which will help you to track your progress over the last week.

» Flexible tasks setup
Tasks management system allows to add really flexible tasks. You can set custom intervals for repetitions (everyday, every 3 days, on days of week, month, year), infinite repeats, finish date (and time), difficulty\importance\fear (which will affect gained xp), enable tasks auto-fail on overdue, bind negative and positive skills, combine tasks in custom groups and much-much more.

» Rewards system
You can gain gold for any performed task. With this gold you can buy self-assigned rewards. E.g. you can add reward "Watch a movie" with 100 gold price, buy it when you get enough gold and indeed watch a movie as a reward for hard work!

» Notifications
Add notifications reminders for critical task with flexible setup.

» Themes
Ability to change app appearance with custom themes. Our tasks tracker app has a lot of them!

» Widgets
Home screen widget with tasks list and easily accessible "New task" button.
Another widget for single tasks to have it on hand.

» Automatic synchronization between devices
You can enable automatic synchronization with Dropbox to keep your progress backed up and synced through your devices.
Or just save your entire progress to file on your device.

» Languages
Do It Now speaks English and Russian.
If you want to help with translation – please contact us.

Develop your virtual self to make promotion and improvement in real life.

If you have any questions about our task tracker, feel free to send feedback to liferpgtasks@gmail.com! And if you enjoy our app, we would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review.

Checkout at Google Play - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.levor.liferpgtasks


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Last edited:
Application updated:
  • Added habit generation opportunity for tasks with infinite repeats.
  • Fixed sorting issues in tasks lists.
  • Corrected hero xp gaining algorithm.
  • Other minor bugs fixed.
Checkout at Google Play - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.levor.liferpgtasks
Application updated:
  • Stability and performance improvement.
  • Removed some unnecessary toast notifications.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
Application updated:
  • Added performed tasks per day chart. (see Settings > Statistics)
  • Added characteristics chart. (see Settings > Statistics or Hero > Characteristics > Toolbar)
  • Added 2 new characteristics: Willpower and Workmanship.
  • Time selection dialog is now displayed if select Today or Tomorrow in task date selection dialog.
  • Fixed occasionally incorrect days left in habit generation.
  • Fixed issues with closing app with Back button.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
I simply love this idea. How is the EXP being given out, though? Is it related to the "Related Skill" bit?
XP to hero is related to task difficulty and importance, higher this values - higher the XP.
Same amount of XP will be given to each related skill.
Application updated:
  • New skill now can be added right from add\edit task screen (from skill selection dialog).
  • Added search on tasks screen.
  • All finished tasks now displayed only on Done tab.
  • Added "Remove all finished tasks" button (on toolbar of Done tasks tab).
  • Tasks in Done tab is displayed with the time when they were finished.
  • Added "About" settings section.
Application updated:
  • Added possibility to add, remove and edit characteristics.
  • Fixed bug with impossibility of removing related to skill characteristic.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
Application updated:
  • Changed high level skills impact on characteristics. Higher skills now increase related characteristics faster.
  • Skill and characteristics improvement are displayed in “Task performed” dialog.
  • Added possibility to select displayable characteristics in characteristics chart.
  • Fixed errors with navigation after app was restored.
  • “Characteristics” tab title is now displayed on single row for all devices.
Application updated:
  • Added possibility to decrease skill xp when performing task. Hero xp also decreases when task contains more decreasing skills than increasing.
  • Now every task has number of execution (look in detailed info for tasks).
  • New task repeat mode “Repeat in N days after completion”.
  • Virtual keyboard will be hidden after interaction with any non-title element when editing task\skill.
  • Decreased hero xp needed to reach new level.
Application updated:
  • Manual export to Dropbox.
  • “What's new” dialog.
  • Initial loading screen.
  • “Simple repeat” task repeat mode now in quick access repeat dialog.
  • Partial data reset possibility(will not delete tasks\skills).
  • Fixed desktop widget. Press on widget now opens details for selected task.
  • Fixed incorrect XP value displaying during hero level up.
  • Fixed some crashes related to decreasing skills
Application updated:
- Added floating action buttons.
- Redesigned Settings and other lists in application.
- Separate notification will be shown for each task.
- Added sound signal to notifications.
- What's new dialog can be displayed via Settings > About.
- Fixed crashes on navigation between screens.
- Fixed some localization strings.
Application updated:

- Added skills chart.
- Some networking improvements.
- Fixed bug with reappearing characteristics.
- Fixed few rarely reproduced crashes.
RodrigoDLPontes, Ucallme1716,
sorry for long silence.
Yes, there are system of achievements, each achievements increases XP multiplier, bigger the multiplier - greater the amount of XP gained from every task execution.
Application updated:
- Moved to new Dropbox API v.2.
- Reduced Dropbox notification visibility time.
- Optional, only todays tasks in To Do tab (can be turned on\off via Settings).
- Optional, show dailies in Done tab with last execution date (can be turned on\off via Settings).
- Skip feature for tasks with specified date. When skip button pressed – date will be changed to nearest one by specified in task rule.
Application updated:
- Possibility to set custom avatar from file system.
- Possibility to set new avatar right from camera.
- Added sounds on level up and skill up (can be switched on/off in settings).
- Fixed crash on start on some devices.

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