G5 with nougat


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Dec 24, 2016
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Based on the article I'm just writing my experience around the nougat update, what I did to try and resolve some of the issues and general thoughts.

After installing the update, my first impressions were that it was very slow. Launching the camera would take a good 5-10 seconds, and my battery was depleting at very quick speed - a full charge would depleat around 3-4 hours. I also couldn't do quick charge - a full charge was around 3 hours according to the battery usage estimate. Since I was travelling when I did the upgrade I thought I had damaged the cord or the charger, I ended up replacing both of them twice ( one was knock off charger and cable, and the second was from a more reputable brand). I also bought the spare battery and charging cradle since I couldn't be tethered to power to use the phone.

After arriving at a friend's house , I did some initial research and I came across a post where someone had described their issues and they resolved it by uninstalling the next launcher. I was using this launcher as well, so I uninstalled the launcher ... And immediately my phone battery life improved 100 folds. It was performing better than what I had previously, even before the update and the quick charging was working again.

However I still have some sluggish behaviour when I go to recent apps, or when I switch from front camera to rear camera. But the general camera loading speed is near what I had prior to the update. I'm not sure what I can do to resolve this, I might do a factory reset when I get back home.

I'm also not a great fan of the quick settings, I think the white and small icons make it look a little too bare. I would have preferred slightly larger icons to fill up the space.

I tried the multi window a couple of times, however I don't know if I'm going to use this as regularly as some other people. The main use for me is when I watch a YouTube video and I want to check my emails quickly.


Q&A Team
Jan 17, 2016
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Greetings! Welcome to the forums! Thanks for sharing your experience with N, we always appreciate that here!
Have a great Xmas!

Tye Melendez

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Dec 8, 2013
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The battery life is significantly improved. I noticed that I have had more screen on time than usual. I also like the fact that multiscreen is back! Overall performance is better but it's not like anything was slow before. I am a heavy user and this phone is speedy. I game, email, Google a ton, use YouTube and Facebook and Instagram everyday. So if you're like me, then you feel blessed after this update.


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Dec 26, 2016
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i just upgraded to android 7. no complain. battery lasts longer and the most amazing function for me is round-robin app switching of last 2 opened apps by double clicking the "Multi Windows" icon (or it is called Task icon?). This makes task switching very convenient when using one app (like fb or news) but switched to some messaging app when messages arrive and I then want to switch it back after replying (just double click the task icon).


Oct 17, 2016
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Interesting thread. I Googled online then decided to come on here to see if any other G5 users are having battery issues like me.

Essentially, since the Nougat upgrade, my G5 has been consuming battery life significantly faster than on Marshmallow.

For example, overnight, I'd have it on Airplane mode and the next morning, battery life would've dropped less than 5%. After the OS upgrade, overnight in Airplane mode, it drops over 15%!

I've tried resetting my app preferences and rebooting the phone but it still consumes battery life at an exponential rate. Just using my Chrome browser with the screen at less than 10% brightness, I can see the battery indicator drop 1% every 10 minutes or so. Prior to the upgrade, the battery life was very decent. Now, not so much at all and in fact quite disappointing.

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