G6 Battery Problem


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Apr 21, 2011
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Is anyone else experiencing battery issues? So I was just woke up by my wife she said she went to bed with 70% battery left, woke up with it being 70% she said she showed my daughters friend her school lunch menu and said it turned off. So she comes up to me freaking out I said I didn't know why, so she gave me the phone I tried to power it on and it wouldn't let me. It just showed like a yellow triangle with a white circle around it. So I through it on the charger. I then left the phone alone for a few minutes and then it started charging and I just turned it back on with 10% and letting it charge. I will update later on or tomorrow sometime to let you all know what happens if anything.

(She said her screen never turned red like it does when battery is low before it went off)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
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Maybe she was right??? from the battery graph it shows around the 70% left before it shut down on her and now its recharging from around 10% to try to get to 100% again?

battery issue.jpgbattery issue 2.jpgbattery issue 3.jpg


Jun 28, 2018
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Have you noticed any other issues with the device? I've been rocking the G6 now for about a week and haven't noticed issues like that with the battery. Having said that, I think it drains a little faster on standby than I would like it to, but I'm able to get through a full day with battery life to spare before it needs to go on the charger.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2011
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No that's the only problem it's occurred. I also have a G6 and I haven't had any issues either. We both have had our phones for little over a month. I'm not sure if its a software glitch she just had and maybe told her she had more battery than she actually did or what but so far after it's been charged and recharged over night it's been fine


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
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Im not an expert by any account but it looks like your apps are using about 3 times more battery than both the system and the standby. You could install a task manager app and with that detect which apps are draining the battery and delete um. On that note, FB is extremely hungry and evasive app worth getting rid of. I use the chrome app to access FB.