G6 looks like Galaxy S6?


Jan 28, 2011
Who else thinks so? Are manufacturers copying each other now? HTC U Ultra copies Samsung & LG V20. Pixel copies iPhone. Where's the innovation?

Hard to make many more "innovations" with smartphones. Smaller bezel is about all they have left.
Who else thinks so? Are manufacturers copying each other now? HTC U Ultra copies Samsung & LG V20. Pixel copies iPhone. Where's the innovation?

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I think G6 looks like a LG phone... Just it's metal and glass this time... Very few things u can do... With that... If Samsung had copied dual camera it would look like LG or Apple product... Even Nokia played safe...
The only similarities are the gold color and the shape. I don't see anything else which would prove LG copying Samsung.
You can only do so much with a rectangle. I always appreciated Nokia's bright green. At least then your rectangle stood out a little bit.
They all follow each other. In 2017, topics about one company copying another just doesn't have the same ring to it.

It's like, big deal lol
I don't think LG copied Samsung but even if they somehow did, would it matter?
You might want to look at the leaks of the S8. Looks like Sammy is trying to copy LG.
Samsung finally ditched the hideous cyclops - eye power button, and the out dated capacitive nav buttons, so now the front looks like my 2013 G2.
When designing a rectangular smartphone phones there are so inherited simularities. Other than being rectangular and both having glass backs. I don't see the simularities. so
I dislike the glass back. Who wants a phone that can break on the front and the back? But it Looks like this is an area where the S8 beats the G6. An S8 glass can break on all four sides when dropped. I bet that will be an expensive repair.
I can see some similarities from the front between the G6 and the S6... and even the Note 5 as shown below and other Samsungs. You can see it too in the Pixel as far as shape. But I think what may really make the Samsungs look closer is that you can see the Samsungs already have a small chin and forehead on their phones along with the thin bezel shining around the glass.

So if you could imagine Samsung never going with the curved glass look and sticking with a flat screen, evolving the look, eliminating the home button to reduce the chin that much more as well as the forehead, I have no doubt it would look exactly like the G6 front.

The back of the G6 with the dual cameras and center/home button looks nothing like the trademark Samsung looking single camera bulge in the rear.

I bet there are many out there wishing Samsung didnt go with curved glass and thinking that's exactly the how I want the phone glass to look in a Samsung.

Phones look like phones now. They're either glass phones or metal phones. I like that LG's phones look like robots.
As others said there will be similarities -- and they can only do so much with a phone design :P.

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