Galaxy S3 or wait for Iphone 5?


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Apr 27, 2012
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I have an iPhone 3G and a third gen ipad in my family besides my now current Droid X. I also own a macbook pro. I am not going back to Apple products again. I don't think the quality is any better than offerings from other makers and the price premium is not justified. I love Android OS over iOS by leaps and bounds due to the full user control of Android.

The third gen ipad is my wife's and I have only used it about 10 minutes but every time I pick it up, I wonder why people buy them.

To sum it up, my family pre-ordered four Galaxy S3's, nobody even looks at the iPhone as a viable alternative. :) Every top-tier phone that comes out after the phone before it will be a "previous phone killer" but if iOS 6 is any indication, the iPhone 5 will not be a "killer device".


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Apr 15, 2011
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Umm, you do realize that Foxconn builds the iPhone, I presume? And that Samsung is not a Foxconn customer, whereas Apple is their biggest... So that's about as far from an unbiased answer as you can get.

Besides, his wanting the iPhone to be "an SGS3 killer" only further establishes Samsung's market dominance as THE phone to beat.


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Aug 28, 2010
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The iPhone 5 would have to add LTE, NFC, wireless transfer (such as beam or wifi direct), a 720p HD resolution, 2 gigs of RAM, and a friggin sweet processor JUST TO CATCH UP. And that's just the hardware. Everyone knows that the last two versions of iOS were essentially catching up to Android on the software end. They'd need even more if they want to pass Samsung at this point...

I just don't see it happening. Apple had one awesome idea 5 years ago, but they thought their product was so awesome that instead of improving it they just kept releasing the same thing in different form factors each year (iPod Touch, iPad, and possibly soon an iTV) with minor changes in each version.

Apple really needed to step up their game last year when they started getting passed by some Android phones, but the only leaks we've seen so far for the iPhone 5 are a 4-inch screen and LTE. Not enough to kill Samsung, I think.


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Nov 6, 2009
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For me, the choice is between the Galaxy S III or holding off for one of the new Windows Phone 8 devices. I was really impressed with Microsoft's WP8 event and that wasn't even detailing the new features that users can expect. Apple's iOS6 upgrades just weren't enough to get me to consider buying the next gen iPhone. I've grown bored of the OS and my iPhone 4 has gotten really sluggish lately even after wiping the device and restoring it.


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Sep 29, 2010
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For me, the choice is between the Galaxy S III or holding off for one of the new Windows Phone 8 devices. I was really impressed with Microsoft's WP8 event and that wasn't even detailing the new features that users can expect. Apple's iOS6 upgrades just weren't enough to get me to consider buying the next gen iPhone. I've grown bored of the OS and my iPhone 4 has gotten really sluggish lately even after wiping the device and restoring it.

I am along the same thought process, but it is the SGS3 or Note2 (which is still a rumor). I think that iPhones are falling behind target now with phones coming from many providers such as samsung, htc, LG, Sony....with more functionality than iPhone.

The real question is do you like to have full* control over your device, or have the same device everyone else has with the biggest about of accessories possible? Answer that for yourself and you will have your device of choice.


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Nov 16, 2011
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I'm moving from the 4s to the sgs3. The iPhone "5" will be no bigger than 4 in. They would only increase the size of the current screen, but not the physical body. Not good enough for me, & I'm a pretty big apple fan. But I want a bigger screen. No more waiting.


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Aug 28, 2010
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I'm moving from the 4s to the sgs3. The iPhone "5" will be no bigger than 4 in. They would only increase the size of the current screen, but not the physical body. Not good enough for me, & I'm a pretty big apple fan. But I want a bigger screen. No more waiting.

According to leaks (assuming the leaks are true), the new screen size will be 4.07 inches in the iPhone 5:

iPhone 5 front panel caught on video

If they only stretched it out top-to-bottom and not side-to-side then it just looks silly and disproportionate


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Jun 12, 2012
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I'll use my wife as a barometer here. She is hardly a tech geek, she just likes devices that work. She had a Droid Incredible. She liked it. She now has a 4s. Why? She didn't want something to size of the Galaxy Nexus when she was looking. That was it. She wanted small and Apple has small.

My Mom left her Droid Inc. for a 4s as well, although her reason was that she wanted everything in the Apple universe since she was more comfortable with it and has an iPad 2 and Macbook now.

Me - I also don't really care. I have a Macbook Pro. I never had issues with Windows XP and I've even messed with Linux, yet I do like the hardware here and the OS works well. It isn't perfect though either.

As I've mentioned in other threads, I've been one of those hold out guys. "Oh, well the next thing is just around the corner, I'll wait." I've been doing that for 4 years, so I've never had an iPhone or an Android phone. I do have an iPod Touch I got for a gift, which is nice for an airport diversion/bathroom entertainment device. I also have my wife's old iPad 1, which I admittedly don't use much (hence why I never bought one for myself). It is just a big iPod Touch.

I'm getting the Android phone because I want the best available right now. To be honest, I would have held out until the iPhone 5 specs were out if Verizon didn't force me to move, but I figured they would do this before the iPhone so I started looking at what Android had to offer. I just wanted to compare the two and pick what served me best, especially since I am leery about getting a phone so large.

Ultimately with iOS 6, neither phone offers what I want in voice control (everything I could possibly want while driving: start music, read my music choices, start and control Pandora/Slacker/Spotify/TuneIn/Stitcher/XM/etc., make calls and such) and past that I wanted battery life and speed. I'll get that from the GS3 from the early returns. Plus, unlike my wife, I like to tinker, so rooting isn't out of the question and I've spent time at XDA back in the old Windows Mobile days, so the site isn't new to me. I'm looking forward to it. Now if it would just hurry up and get here.


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Mar 6, 2011
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Been an iPhone user for 4 years but I pre-ordered an S3. Nothing about iOS6 preview makes me want to stay. Nor does the rumored 4" screen on the iphone 5 change anything. I want at least a 4.3" screen and LTE on my next smartphone with enough battery life to last me a full day of moderate usage. I got an LTE iPad 3 from work and I can't live with a 3G phone for much longer. I also own a 13" Macbook Air as my personal laptop so I'm not biased towards/against either platform. It is funny how you still basically have pro-Android camp where Apple = Fail and the Apple fanboys who think the iPhone is by definition a perfect device.


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Jul 12, 2010
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I'm getting the S3 and then probably get the iPhone 5 if hardware is on point. I'm an equal opportunity person. No discrimination here. It's not uncommon for me to keep both and switch every couple months just out of boredom.


Q&A Team
Aug 25, 2010
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For me, the choice is between the Galaxy S III or holding off for one of the new Windows Phone 8 devices. I was really impressed with Microsoft's WP8 event and that wasn't even detailing the new features that users can expect. Apple's iOS6 upgrades just weren't enough to get me to consider buying the next gen iPhone. I've grown bored of the OS and my iPhone 4 has gotten really sluggish lately even after wiping the device and restoring it.

You are kidding right?
Windows Mobile 8? They just screwed all customers that bought WM7 devices, along with carriers and manufacturers by sating that no WM7 phone will get a WM8 upgrade.

I wouldn't touch a WM Phone if your life depended on it. Now I would to save mine. :D


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2009
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You are kidding right?
Windows Mobile 8? They just screwed all customers that bought WM7 devices, along with carriers and manufacturers by sating that no WM7 phone will get a WM8 upgrade.

I wouldn't touch a WM Phone if your life depended on it. Now I would to save mine. :D

zomg..fragmentation on something other than android? Think I just had a heart attack. I've never been impressed with the whole live tile arrangement. Just looks like a cluttered mess to me.