galaxy smart dock experiences


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Dec 3, 2012
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I am looking into getting the smart dock and I am just wondering what general consesus is like for this?

will it replicate the pixels from the phone? (ie new the 1080p displays will be able to stream a 1080p video to the TV?)
Can you use the netflix app, or does it restrict some things being mirrored?
The audio options, if I have a DTS 1080p video will it send 5.1 sound and 1080p relatively latency free to the screen through the hdmi?
Does it support the s4 mini as well? or just the s3/4 and note 2? (my wife would prefer a smaller phone)

are the usb ports high speed? As I am thinking of using 1 for a gigabit ethernet port, 1 for a keyboard and 1 for a gamepad.

Any other things that you have notieced while using this? Do those of you that have it use it regularly or found it just gathers dust?

Thanks in advance


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Mar 22, 2011
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I don't think it will replicate the image. Video from my Note II looked significantly better on Netflix through the phone than it did on my 46" Samsung LED 1080p. The screen had the black bars on the side which is quite annoying. Hulu Plus displayed the full image but mobile isn't capable of HD even on Wi-Fi so it's about 480p quality.

No idea about the rest.


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Dec 3, 2012
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thanks Eclipse, I got a responce from Samsung support about the s4 mini, apparently this isnt supported, only the s3,4 and note 2 at the moment.

The netflix app I think at the moment has very limited video quality unfortunately, hopefully as screen sharing etc becomes more prevelant they will release an app equivalent to the normal TV experience.

I am very curious for the use of my blu-ray collection. They are all stored on my media server at ~30gb per film. I have got both the dolby true hd and dolby digital tracks (so that I can have audio even if the player doesnt support the HD audio formats).

I am hoping to be able to play the videos on the note and mirror this onto the TV(via my reciever) via the smart dock. I currently have a media pc doing this job. I dont expect the quality to be the same as when I run with madvr, LAV and Reclock but I am trying to ascertain how much of a quality drop I can expect.

Cheers for your help :)

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