Thanks for posting the big list, Lizard Chest. I have a few differences (added below in bold to your list). I have The G2, you have the Neo. .. surely that doesn't make the difference though?
Entertainment: Dummy Fish, 2048 for Samsung, Flood for Gear 2, Bug Buster, Count Addict, Appy Geek, News Republic, Tick Flick Boom, All Safe, Football Soccer WF, QuickDice, Gear Flashlight, Flappy Spaghetti, MyMusic Cloud, Avoid the White Tile, Snake, Ohio State WF, Push Up I have Feedly for Galaxy Gear here, no All Safe,
Finance: Swipe Calc, CEPTETEB, Calculator Samsung, Simple Calculator, Tip Calculator I have one extra calculator here ($1).
Health/Fitness: Sleep Genius, dacadoo, Golf NAVI+, DETAILS, Push Up Same for me.
Lifestyle: Electronic watch, reqallable, Appy Geek, CNN, News Republic, Sleep Genius,eBay, Florida WF, ZDclock, USC WF, iWunta, Stanford WF, All Safe, Football Soccer WF, Clocki(style 4), MyMusic Cloud, Starfield animated WF, DETAILS, Toggles, TUBA FM, Fabels Tip of the Day, Avoid the White Tile, Clocki(style 2), Gear, Tip Calculator, Snake for Gear, Ohio State WF, Futuristic WF I have Texas Longhorns WF here, Feedly for Galaxy Gear here, Notre Dame WF, Life 360 for Samsung Gear here, Highlight for Samsung Gear here, Vivino Wine here, Duke WF here, NO All Safe here,
Social: Flick Dat, FBQuickview, Glympse, iWunta I have Banjo for Samsung Galaxy Gear here, Life 360 for Samsung Gear here, and Highlight for Samsung Gear here.
Utilities: Dummy Fish, Binary Clock, Bug Buster, reqallable, Count Addict, Watch Styler, Neon: Digital WF, LED Alram, Pattern: Digital WF, Glympse,
Antique: Analog WF, Roman Watch Style, Mosaic: Digital WF, Golf NAVI+, Barcode WF, Gear Flashlight, SF Golden Gate WF, Binary Clock WF,
Calculator Samsung, Simple Alarm, Star Field Animated WF, SimpleCalc, Toggles, Fabels Tip of the Day, Athens Metro, BigWatch for Gear WF, Simple Calculator, Sleek Gray: Analog WF, Classic Gray: Analog WF, Futuristic WF I have The extra calculator here ($1), Texas Longhorns WF here, Diamond Analog WF here, Ohio State WF here, Chocolate WF here, Vivino Wine here.