Get rid of the FPS?


Trusted Member
May 3, 2013
I really hope they totally omit the FPS on the upcoming S9 and/or note 9. With the 3d facial reading tech and the Iris scanner, the FPS is obsolete. Anyone else?
I really hope they totally omit the FPS on the upcoming S9 and/or note 9. With the 3d facial reading tech and the Iris scanner, the FPS is obsolete. Anyone else?
See, for me, I love my fingerprint scanner. It's quick and easy into the phone and my muscle memory my fingers is just so used to it. The iris scanner does work I just still find it a bit too gimmicky for me though.
Nope. Keep the FPS.
The fingerprint scanners quick efficient and easy. Just like on the pixel phones and I'd only unlock the phone but it gets you passed the lock screen within milliseconds.
That and it also a hacks as the way to quickly pull down the notification bar again just like the pixel phones.
I like the FPS. No need for Samsung to copy the iPhone X as far as ditching the sensor. If they ditch the FPS, I'll ditch Samsung.
Dont get me wrong. I like it. There just seems to be so much nonsense on reviews and ppl complaining about it that it takes away from how good the phone really is. I've never understood the complaints against it.
Dont get me wrong. I like it. There just seems to be so much nonsense on reviews and ppl complaining about it that it takes away from how good the phone really is. I've never understood the complaints against it.

I don't like the placement but the usefulness of it I like a lot
I don't like the placement but the usefulness of it I like a lot
People will always find some reason or some way to complain about something on the phone no matter what. The fingerprint scanner had so much functional and usefulness.
I barely have to touch mine and it registers. Use it multiple times a day and open Samsung Pay with it. I didn't have any issue with it when I started using the phone, nor do I have any issue with it now.
Dont get me wrong. I like it. There just seems to be so much nonsense on reviews and ppl complaining about it that it takes away from how good the phone really is. I've never understood the complaints against it.

Yes, tech reviews have blasted Samsung FPS from day one. I'd prefer it placed differently, but have no problem using it as is.
Just can't get the face recognition or iris scanner to work consistently though. Guess we'll see how the face recognition pans out on iPhone. You can be sure that if it's a massive success, Samsung will try to exceed it in the S9.
I'm a leftie, so the placement of the FPS is actually perfect for me...I use it all the time. I'd be really disappointed if they ditched it.
I hated the FPS location at first but it literally takes about a week to get used to it and it feels completely natural now. I have no issues with it. It works fast and almost flawlessly. Only time I have issues is at the gym when I have chalk on my hands but that's a given.
I don't like the iris scanner, I wear glasses, and I don't care for facial recognition. I like the finger print scanner.
I much prefer it in its current spot than on the front. To me it's easier to reach with my finger on the back than stretching my thumb to the bottom of the screen.
I didn't like the placement of the FPS at first like a lot of others but if you use a case it makes finding it much easier. I don't care for the other options and using the FPS to unlock apps is a nice feature.
I don't think Samsung is going to ditch the FPS. Fingerprint security is still hard to easily bypass and it is still more convenient than facial recognition (and more secure). For some the placement of the FPS on the S8 and the Note 8 is not ideal, but the security is still very good. If Samsung can figure out the FPS reader in the screen, then that's even better.
I don't care for the placement of it like everyone else but have grown to use it as my preferred way to unlock my phone. All because I can just reach up and tap it to unlock with one step. Rather than the iris or face recognition that adds another step
OP sounds like an Apple fanboy trolling.

I wont buy a phone without a fingerprint scanner.

Nothing about facial recognition makes the FPS "obsolete".

I quite enjoy being able to unlock my phone without looking at it as there are quite a few situations where its nice or necessary.
I think they should relocate it. Not get rid of it. I like the way the FPS is implemented into the power button on the Razer phone.
my take on fingerprint sensor is I wouldn't care if they get rid of it ...I use the iris scanner no issues and I have the iphone x and use it to open banking apps no problems. So once your in the phone I think its useless and face id doing what's its supposed to..

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