Getting a D3


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Apr 20, 2010
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After a few phone calls and calling out Verizon on their customer service, I'm being sent a D3 as a replacement for my X. I will miss the X as it's been a great phone, but the last update killed it for me. I opted for the D3 over the DInc2 mainly because I like Moto's build quality.

I've read through the issues forums for the D3 and was wondering if the camera issue is just for a few or is it pretty much every D3 out there?

I'm being sent a refurbished unit so I'm skeptical...


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
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After a few phone calls and calling out Verizon on their customer service, I'm being sent a D3 as a replacement for my X. I will miss the X as it's been a great phone, but the last update killed it for me. I opted for the D3 over the DInc2 mainly because I like Moto's build quality.

I've read through the issues forums for the D3 and was wondering if the camera issue is just for a few or is it pretty much every D3 out there?

I'm being sent a refurbished unit so I'm skeptical...

I heard a lot of complaints about the camera's "bluish tint" but I don't have that on my phone. My only complaints are that it lags at times and takes a long time to open. Be sure to swipe your finger downward to see the option to select 1080p as it's "hidden" from view because the camera is set to 720p by default.

I've never seen a smartphone with a camera that could outperform an HD camcorder and I don't see why anyone would think that a smartphone would have one that can. Of course smartphone cameras are gonna have flaws, but what why not have realistic expectations what what you'll get from a smartphone's camera?

I don't see the basis of all the complaints.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk


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Jan 23, 2010
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All the phones have the blue tint with the pics but the good news is there is an update that will come out this month. There is a leaked update you can put on your phone if you want to like a lot of people did. I did and the blue tint is gone wich made the pics some of the best pics I've ever seen on an android phone. It seems to open a little faster but not much.


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Apr 20, 2010
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All the phones have the blue tint with the pics but the good news is there is an update that will come out this month. There is a leaked update you can put on your phone if you want to like a lot of people did. I did and the blue tint is gone wich made the pics some of the best pics I've ever seen on an android phone. It seems to open a little faster but not much.

Awesome, that was my only real concern. I knew about the update but wasn't sure if it would fix the camera issues.


Feb 22, 2010
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After a few phone calls and calling out Verizon on their customer service, I'm being sent a D3 as a replacement for my X.

How were you able to do that? I've been having nothing but issues with my Droid 2 Global, and all they're willing to send me is another D2G.


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Apr 20, 2010
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How were you able to do that? I've been having nothing but issues with my Droid 2 Global, and all they're willing to send me is another D2G.

Since I was having software issues I pointed out that if they send me another DX it'll have the same software on it and I'll more than likely have similar issues. I then asked them what they had to offer in place of the X. I was offered a D3, Inc2 and X2 at that point.


Feb 22, 2010
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Since I was having software issues I pointed out that if they send me another DX it'll have the same software on it and I'll more than likely have similar issues. I then asked them what they had to offer in place of the X. I was offered a D3, Inc2 and X2 at that point.

I'm going to have to try that out. Thanks!


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Jul 12, 2010
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How were you able to do that? I've been having nothing but issues with my Droid 2 Global, and all they're willing to send me is another D2G.

i have a D2G also and was able to get a droid 3. i had to put up a fight but i got it. i refused to take another D2G and if they was going to send me another one i was going to take my business elsewhere!


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Jan 16, 2011
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I just received a droid 3 today and it has the blue camera issue. It never had 3g or data so I am being sent another one tomorrow! Not a good start for the droid 3 imho! Everything else rocks like the keyboard


Feb 22, 2010
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i have a D2G also and was able to get a droid 3. i had to put up a fight but i got it. i refused to take another D2G and if they was going to send me another one i was going to take my business elsewhere!

They told me today that they NEVER EVER do a warranty replacement with another's always the same. I know this isn't true. Too bad my company pays for the line, as I've never had this problem with AT&T. I'm going to try again tomorrow, and I might even stop by a corporate store.


Sep 13, 2011
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They told me today that they NEVER EVER do a warranty replacement with another's always the same. I know this isn't true. Too bad my company pays for the line, as I've never had this problem with AT&T. I'm going to try again tomorrow, and I might even stop by a corporate store.

I have worked as a customer service rep for verzion and have dealt with verizon customer service myself and I will give you a few pointers. At a brick and mortar store they generally only care about you if you are going to buy something because the salesmen work off of commission. If you have a place that has a repair section they are outsourced (at least they use to be) and have to strictly follow guidelines which means they will not replace a phone with a different model if they have one in stock you will have better luck with over the phone.

In either case (over the phone or in a store) you are much more likely to get help if you are nice. You really do catch more flies with honey. Calmly explain your issues with the phone don't threaten to go to another carrier, don't swear be polite and say please and thank you and you're welcome. Just generally be patient. The person on the phone is not allowed to hang up on you so you can badger them for an hour until you get what you want or you can be pleasant and get it in ten minutes. These people deal with a-holes day in and day out but remember the people who were nice and appreciative and will generally go out of their way to help people like that.

As an example my previous phone was an Eris and some of them had this odd bug where every once and a while the the speaker would cut out and you could hear the person on the other end but they wouldn't be able to hear you but after a restart it would work again. I work nights and could never get it to replicate when a store was open. I saw on a few forums that this was a widespread issue. I took it into a store and explained the issue hoping it had gone down the pipe that they heard about it. Tried about ten test calls at the store and it wouldn't replicate but it happened a couple hours later at work. I called customer service, told them nicely what was going on and that I couldn't get it to replicate in the store and how it was difficult for me to get to a store when it happens because of my work hours and after ten minutes I had one sent to me.

tl;dr be nice to the customer service people because you catch more flies with honey


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2010
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Polite and patient is definitely the way to go. If you don't like where the CSR is taking you you can always call back later.

My last call I did get a little pissy with them though, but only when they tried to go back on their word. Once I was transferred to retention they were more than cordial and apologized for the previous rep.

Always have them note your account if they tell you they are going to do something, that way they can't back out of a deal they have set up with you.

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