This is why I dont like them doing this. No offense man to you personally, just using your comment as an example.
I dont understand why people should get rewarded for being impatient and feeling like Moto owes them something. I've been wanting this phone just as bad as everyone, and have been waiting since January just like everyone as well. I just dont agree with them handing out free stuff to people who they upset. I definitely get it, I'm a parent and when my little girl throws a fit she gets what she wants so others dont change or create an opinion of me as a parent, but last I checked we are all adults here.
Patiently waiting for my BIONIC.... B-RAN
Its not so much just throwing a fit and being impatient. Or them handing out free stuff to people they upset.
They're handing them out to people that have been very vocal, BECAUSE they were very vocal. They are anticipating that they will then turn around and spread the news about how well Moto is treating people that waited 8 months for this. I mean, just look at this thread as an example of what it did.
I don't have a problem with it because of this entire situation. Motorola knows that they have a lot of people getting very antsy about getting this phone, and know that some people have been waiting since January for a Motorola dual-core LTE beast. I'm not surprised that Motorola is doing this, and I'm not surprised Verizon isn't. I'd wager that Moto isn't done giving away Bionics, and I'd wager Verizon is footing a large part of the bill for them.