So, I have had a Nexus 10 for a while, I love the thing. One of my big reasons for buying? More pixels than any other tablet at the time. I am a big fan of being able to see as much as possible, but sadly it doesn't work that way...
A website I frequent recently changed to add advertisements to the right side. Somewhat annoying, but hey, gotta make money. In doing so they added a 300 pixel margin to the right side of their pages to allow for the ad. On my 1080p monitor, it's no issue, plenty of pixels to go around. The content on this page is also set to 100% wide, making it use up my entire screen very nicely. Then I view the same page on my Nexus 10, or any mobile browser for that matter, and it looks like garbage, because everything has been over doubled in size.
I get why the browser does this, to make everything easier to view and interact with. I don't care about that, I want to be able to see as much content as possible at once, I want all of my pixels to be used. So that is what I want to find out, is there any way to make any android browser display things at actual size, instead of zoomed in size? The main browser I use is the stock one because of the Desktop user agent (several sites, like Wikipedia, are so awful to navigate in Chrome since it mobile formats them) and I have tried Dolphin as well (which has a zoom setting but it doesn't make a difference). I know Dolphin has an option to add a custom user agent, so is there any user agent that fix this issue that I should put in? Or is there an app that addresses this?
Thanks in advance!
A website I frequent recently changed to add advertisements to the right side. Somewhat annoying, but hey, gotta make money. In doing so they added a 300 pixel margin to the right side of their pages to allow for the ad. On my 1080p monitor, it's no issue, plenty of pixels to go around. The content on this page is also set to 100% wide, making it use up my entire screen very nicely. Then I view the same page on my Nexus 10, or any mobile browser for that matter, and it looks like garbage, because everything has been over doubled in size.
I get why the browser does this, to make everything easier to view and interact with. I don't care about that, I want to be able to see as much content as possible at once, I want all of my pixels to be used. So that is what I want to find out, is there any way to make any android browser display things at actual size, instead of zoomed in size? The main browser I use is the stock one because of the Desktop user agent (several sites, like Wikipedia, are so awful to navigate in Chrome since it mobile formats them) and I have tried Dolphin as well (which has a zoom setting but it doesn't make a difference). I know Dolphin has an option to add a custom user agent, so is there any user agent that fix this issue that I should put in? Or is there an app that addresses this?
Thanks in advance!