Give me the run/low down of tethering plz

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Apr 20, 2014
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I'm new to this idea and have learned only that the carriers will charge you extra to use your data on your computer which is absolutely asinine and none of their gd business how I use my data. I guess they're trying to keep your use to a minimum but I only get so many gigs of usable data anyway duh! Its like Domino's telling me the pizza they sell me is for me and family members only, but not my dog. I just want to cut out my internet bill by cutting down my use to my 5gig's. At&t is only making Xfinity money by this tactic. I'm guessing most people agree with me.

Anyway, so what are the abc's of setting this up? Do I gotta go on the dark web for the tools lol or what? Root my phone? Are the apps readily available in the play store? Hardware? I just need the basic steps if there are any and then I can go from there. Thanks


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Jul 15, 2015
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Cricket charges extra for it all all plans but using the LGE G5 RS988 as a byop device I can use the phones built in teathering with out them blocking it, no tricky softwate involved. It isnt something I do often. I used it a few times to test if an internet commection problem was our inturnal network and filters or the site at work.


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Jul 15, 2015
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I dont undersand why carriers want to charge extra for it on plans with a limited amount of data. Like im on a plan with 8gb of highspeed data and when its gone you get throttled down to as slow as 2g or you buy more data. Why do they care how I use my 8Gb? On unlimited plans I get it they dont want you to use it as a home internet plan.


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Apr 20, 2014
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It's a collective scam they all agreed to maintain. Its price gouging at our disadvantage since apparently enough carriers do it to the point that those that don't aren't enough to sway the business over I guess. If I ever find a carrier with a good enough service that doesn't use this invasive practice I'm jumping over straight away. And it's silly and submissive to consider it cheating in any way. It's like your local milk man imposes this new charge for feeding your cats the milk you buy from him, and if you get caught feeding your cats the milk you already paid for they consider you a cheat. No, as long as they haven't been corporate'ly brainwashed they'd collectively agree there is nothing wrong with "cheating" a scheme, a cheating system itself. Gross. Couldn't think of a better analogy lol. And that's cuz there aren't many if any examples of this kind of exploitation.

Anyone who thinks that any customer of this kind of data behind closed doors should call their carrier first before they decide to take their data and shove it in their ... ear rather than keep it inside their cell phone should they decide to, as at that point is their business alone and paid for, is of a fascist mindset.


Q&A Team
Jul 7, 2013
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Cellular data bandwidth is a finite commodity. It's not like hooking up to your cable provider and downloading gigs upon gigs, though those systems are also somewhat finite they are much more robust than cellular networks.

Allowing EVERYONE to tether at will would put a strain on the cellular network.


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Jul 15, 2015
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I know mobile data is more rinite than say a cable systems network or dsl and fios. The data plans should be limited to moblile use not as your main home internet connection. I dont see an issue with teathering my work laptop when Im traveling to send a document or answer a few emails then getting off with my data plan. Now if i were on an unlimited plan and teather to stream netflix to my chromecast everyday that is using too much mobile data and probably taking from others good experance on the network.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Hmm... I guess this is the case because of the unlimited aspect of the plans which I guess I'm not so familiar with. I have plan that is either pre or post paid. Not sure. There were confusing differences between the two I remember some rep was explaining to me. Are both of these unlimited?

Maybe someone has a solution to suggest here if there is a limited plan that would allow you to tether. Im going to guess there is but that you are still charged extra for the way you use your allotted data which brings us back to the original complaint I've made. Anyone know how a limited plan works if they do exist?


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2015
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Yep they should not tell you how you can use the X amount of data you pay for in a month on pre or post paid plans with set data limits for those that use it like me. That is exactly like the milk man saying it costs more to give the cat a bowl of milk out of the bottle you paid for. Being able to teather for free on an unlimited plan to the provider is like asking for a doggie bag at a buffet. Those plans are for all the you can use on the device same as a buffet is all you can/care to eat in one meal not share or save for another meal.
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