Good tidings


New member
Sep 12, 2011
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I've been lurking around here for awhile and decided to make it official.
Started on a Nexus One that someone gave me (I know...what great friends I have!)
Got hooked on Android and converted to an EVO for some more screen real-estate, plus all the other awesome features. Sold the Nexus One on Swappa for more than I paid for the EVO (shweet!)
I'm probably going to be rooting my EVO sooner than later. I don't really have a desire to play with other ROM's but I'd like to free of some memory so I need to get rid of the bloat-ware that Sprint has forced upon me (I'm looking at you Sprint NASCAR!!!). Plus, having started on a Nexus One, I got a taste for what Android is without all the junk the carriers pile on.
Picked up an Acer Iconia A500 tab recently and I'm loving that too. I can't wait for HoneyComb to mature into an Ice Cream Sandwich or whatever snackie thing that comes next...