Yep. Just noticed it this morning on my Z Play Droid. Not sure how it got there, as I didn't update anything.
On Action Launcher 3 I set up a swipe to open up Google Now.I'd rather have my google on tap back...easier to get a quick screenshot without having to save the pic
I guess that explains it. Thx.Google Play Services is always updated silently and in the background.
I'm on the verge of factory resetting my phone but thought I'd check in with you guys to see if there is something else I can do before taking this step.
So my moto z doesn't activate google assistant when I hold the home button, I was sure it had assistant before
Also I have noticed a few times that my phone updates even though it already had nougat. It's on version 7.0 (not a newer version) so it doesn't make much sense.
I forget what it's called, but it does that thing where it captures the information on the screen and offers you actions based on the information on the screen