Google Pixel 3 small size


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Apr 17, 2012
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Yeah most of those are out of context and heck the last spindle drive I got was 10TB, but still people even with a well bloated Windows 10 install could get away with using a machine with only 100GB. The closest to an actual statement was Microsoft saying you didn't need more than 640KB of ram. But that was missing the context of the time. Their OS wasn't multitask capable and was really a 8bit OS at the time, so no application could actually address more than 640KB of memory making people selling systems with more pointless.

Job's on the other hand basically allowed the growth of Android by deciding almost unilaterally that they had found the perfect form factor for smart phones and that they were not changing. The context for that statement was recognizing a push for bigger screens and growing sales for those phones, that they were refusing to change because it's all people needed. The truth could be buried in there, that they didn't want to have multiple production lines for different sizes along with different storage, that they figured a person wanting larger would settle for smaller as long as it was "iphone" but that wouldn't work the other way. But he was pretty clear of what he meant and why he was saying it.

Either way at the time it wasn't far fetched. To take a quote from years ago and be like "omg" is out of context IMO. It is just as bad as all the things I mentioned.


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Feb 26, 2013
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It wasn't all that long ago that a 5.5 size phone was the largest you could buy and was considered huge and unwieldy. :D

The problem we always measured the screens diagonal length without taking into account aspect ratio, bezels and thickness. The phone's width would have been the right specification to go by.


Mar 6, 2012
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When the phones are available to view and hold on display counters as display models, I recommend going and holding them in the store to see what they feel like in the hand. I have small hands too and larger phones actually work for me! Though I do prefer smaller phones.


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Oct 18, 2018
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i have been using a larger phone now since the nexus 6 days and actually looking forward using a smaller size phone with the Pixel 3. have you seen the phone in person or basing it from online information? I actually went into a bestbuy earlier this week and am very happy with my decision of going for the smaller Pixel 3. Try to go into a store to see for yourself if you haven't done so yet.

Writing to you on a Pixel 3 right now, the Google keyboard is a mess on this screen, and likely to cause plenty of complaints. A switch to SwiftKey and a resize made it feel just right. After going from small Pixel 2, to this phone, it actually feels quite large

Kalvin Kerns

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Feb 14, 2014
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Writing to you on a Pixel 3 right now, the Google keyboard is a mess on this screen, and likely to cause plenty of complaints. A switch to SwiftKey and a resize made it feel just right. After going from small Pixel 2, to this phone, it actually feels quite large

What exactly is wrong with Gboard on P3?


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Jan 25, 2016
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Im so excited to get my 3 (non-XL), using an iPhone 7+ im so tired of how annoying it is to use single handed and its unnecessarily large size (for me)

It's not unnecessarily large, that's just your opinion. I as a man with large hands like a larger phone and a bigger screen for watching videos. The days of small phones is a thing of the past, even the smaller Pixel 3 in a robust 5.5" which is what a large phone was a few years ago and now it's considered small. I use my phone for more than just making calls, it's an all purpose device.


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Jul 15, 2010
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Either way at the time it wasn't far fetched. To take a quote from years ago and be like "omg" is out of context IMO. It is just as bad as all the things I mentioned.

Out of context for the time sure. I mean even the biggest phones at the time weren't really outpacing it by that much. But unlike the others, they were the ones that at one time had 99% of the capacitive touchscreen phone market and the number one reason for the Sales of Droid 2 / Droid X's /Evo's/ and Galaxy S's at the time was being able to get a larger screen.

It wasn't till 4 years after the Droid X with its 4.3 inch screen before apple had a sreen size larger or matching it. Heck even the 4.0 screen change with the Iphone 5 had more to do with a profile change than true increase in screen real-estate and that was almost 2 years after Job's death. There is little reason to think that he ever believed making a larger phone was the right thing to do.


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Oct 4, 2018
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Im so excited to get my 3 (non-XL), using an iPhone 7+ im so tired of how annoying it is to use single handed and its unnecessarily large size (for me)

I have small/normal sized hands and don't have any problems using Note 9 with just one hand


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Oct 7, 2011
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To be fair -- I remember people saying "You will never need 2 GB of RAM on a PC!" or "You will never need more then 100 GB on a hard drive!" -- Obviously tech keeps going :).

I also remember main frame OEM's like Digital and IBM questioning why one would ever need a PC... ;)


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Oct 28, 2015
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I put one of those "Love Handle" straps on my Pixel 2 XL, and its been incredible how easy using the phone with one hand. Actually I put 2 on, one for holding landscape at the bottom. Really useful for taking photos and not worrying someone else dropping it. I don't even have to hold the phone when walking around, it just sticks to my fingers.

So if you have trouble holding or typing on a large phone, I highly recommend.



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Jun 18, 2015
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18/9 is the common android theme this year. I like it after using an LG ThinQ for a while. One handed use is amazing and it's better for reading - but worse for videos.


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Jul 18, 2012
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I was looking at the Pixel 3 & 3 XL at Best Buy this morning, considering replacing my Moto Z Force (1st gen). The Moto Z has a 5.5" screen, same as the smaller Pixel 3 (though very possibly a different aspect ratio, but still, essentially the same size screen), but the phone body of the Moto Z was essentially identical to the Pixel 3 XL. So I'm left debating between same size screen as I'm used to in a smaller body, or getting more screen in the same size phone as I'm used to... it's a nice problem. :)


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Jul 15, 2010
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I was looking at the Pixel 3 & 3 XL at Best Buy this morning, considering replacing my Moto Z Force (1st gen). The Moto Z has a 5.5" screen, same as the smaller Pixel 3 (though very possibly a different aspect ratio, but still, essentially the same size screen), but the phone body of the Moto Z was essentially identical to the Pixel 3 XL. So I'm left debating between same size screen as I'm used to in a smaller body, or getting more screen in the same size phone as I'm used to... it's a nice problem. :)

I'd Personally suggest the P3XL. Two reason's one. The moto being that large, I would have to check, but probably is wider screen just shorter. That means going to a smaller phone like the P3, will probably mean a cramped keyboard in comparison. Easier to go from a tight keyboard to a large keyboard than the other way around. The second is just the hand feel. The P3 will seem like a dwarf in your hands. I have small hands but it's to late for me, I got the Nexus 6 back when it was the only Nexus solution and I can't go back to a phone that feels much smaller than that.


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Oct 18, 2018
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Just upgraded from my iPhone 5s to the pixel 3, and it seems really big. Perfect for one hand, but still very tall for me, couldn't find anything that was good and small, buy I'm getting used to it now. I love it.

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