Got my 4.3 Update OTA today!
Just done installing. So far, I'm not liking it. If you like so^phisticated icons, good contrast in menu and readability, DON'T UPDATE. 4.2.2 was much better-looking. The new look is a throwback to ugly, unrefined and washed out.
Not so hot and aesthetic change :
- Keyboard is bigger, uglier. Probably due a font change, but i can't say for sure.
- The home screen folders have been changed to look like boxes, instead of looking like folders.
- Google added a boatload of it's own bloatware widgets.
- The app drawer icon changed to a bunch of dots instead of little squares.
- Added Google's own bloatware that I had previously disabled/uninstalled or never had. (Box, Drive, Playbook, PlayGames, PlayMovies et al).
- Settings menus are now so "whitened", everything is washed-out, so that's going to waste power to display on top of having low usability.
- Added a menu tab in the App drawer.
- TrackID became purple and gray, instead of blue and grey.
- lockscreen lock pattern pad changed from dots to little disks.
- Camera app has a good deal more options.
So far, I'm not overly impressed. The worst change is the settings menu. It is so washed out, it's difficult to make out the option in the menus, in a dark living room. Outside, with the sun's glare, it's probably downright impossible to use. I think that was a dumb move.
Just done installing. So far, I'm not liking it. If you like so^phisticated icons, good contrast in menu and readability, DON'T UPDATE. 4.2.2 was much better-looking. The new look is a throwback to ugly, unrefined and washed out.
Not so hot and aesthetic change :
- Keyboard is bigger, uglier. Probably due a font change, but i can't say for sure.
- The home screen folders have been changed to look like boxes, instead of looking like folders.
- Google added a boatload of it's own bloatware widgets.
- The app drawer icon changed to a bunch of dots instead of little squares.
- Added Google's own bloatware that I had previously disabled/uninstalled or never had. (Box, Drive, Playbook, PlayGames, PlayMovies et al).
- Settings menus are now so "whitened", everything is washed-out, so that's going to waste power to display on top of having low usability.
- Added a menu tab in the App drawer.
- TrackID became purple and gray, instead of blue and grey.
- lockscreen lock pattern pad changed from dots to little disks.
- Camera app has a good deal more options.
So far, I'm not overly impressed. The worst change is the settings menu. It is so washed out, it's difficult to make out the option in the menus, in a dark living room. Outside, with the sun's glare, it's probably downright impossible to use. I think that was a dumb move.