[GUIDE] Disable CPU rendering


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2011
I found this tweak while trying to look for a loopy smothness tweak made for ICS, but I ended up finding something better than loopy smoothness, a guide to disable CPU rendering. With this tweak you can take full advantage of your device's GPU. In other words you disable software rendering and enable hardware rendering instead (correct me if I'm wrong).

Original thread where I found the tweak: [TWEAK] ICS Specific Tweaks of XPERIA MOD ROM

If you end up adding this tweak into a custom rom you are sharing, please don't forget to give credit for it. You can thank me and mrg666 for it :)

Confirmed working on:
- BobZhome CM9 [VM670]
- quattrimus CM9 [VM670]
- mrg666 MiRaGe IHO [VM670]
- BobZhome IHO [VM670]
- any device with working adreno200 drivers (in this case my LG myTouch 4G is a good example, it worked marvelously and more noticeably on this device)

It should work on any rom.

What might you benefit from? So far this is what I noticed.

- performance boost
- speed boost
- increased responsiveness
- better audio quality
- apps such as Facebook that would become slow and unresponsive are suddenly blazing fast

I forgot to mention this before, I recommend you use Root Explorer or another file browser that has root support to install the tweak. Also set the permission to rw-r--r-- for the egl.cfg file.

Disable CPU rendering

It removes the entire soft-rendering pathway, hence good performance. 

Download the attachment and put it under system/lib/egl and delete libGLES_android.so from egl folder. 

That's all.


P.S. It's flashable via CWM recovery now with the eglpatch, it just got easier. But if you would like to do it manually for whatever reason, this guide will still remain here.

I didn't develop this tweak, I came across it and tested it with my LG Optimus V and my LG myTouch 4G both on GB and ICS roms for both devices and it works and I'm not entirely sure about this but it should work on some other devices. I'm not responsible for anything that goes wrong with your device, you know the risks of flashing files to root. Make a backup first.

Enjoy :D

Update! mrg666 compiled a flashable zip, the link to his post is right here

Another update! It's been confirmed that this tweak doesn't seem to work on Froyo based roms, it causes an endless bootloop. Although it's been confirmed to work on Harmonica. So from what I know it will work best on GB and above.

Edit: try out this build.prop tweak, it speeds things up a bit more.

Open build.prop and add the following
change dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y TO
right below add
then change windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec = 300
comment out with #
then save
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Didn't work for me. Soft bricked my phone. On bobzhome cm7 5-20

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk
Didn't work for me. Soft bricked my phone. On bobzhome cm7 5-20

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk

Did you set the right permissions for the egl.cfg? Do that and restart.
It should be rw-r--r--

Sorry about that, I should've mentioned it on the first post, the original post didn't mention anything about that.
Did you set the right permissions for the egl.cfg? Do that and restart.
It should be rw-r--r--

Sorry about that, I should've mentioned it on the first post, the original post didn't mention anything about that.

I didn't even think of that lol. I'll try again

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk
Soft brick meaning bootloop? I get confused with meanings. :P

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk 2
Another confirmation of this working using Bobzhome cm9 rom. I do feel everything is a bit more responsive. Any idea it fixes some of the other issues like white screen on gmail and related apps? thanks

edit: I use twitter primarily on browser. Previously between touch and trying to scroll there was a lag, and now its smooth and fast.
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Another confirmation of this working using Bobzhome cm9 rom. I do feel everything is a bit more responsive. Any idea it fixes some of the other issues like white screen on gmail and related apps? thanks

edit: I use twitter primarily on browser. Previously between touch and trying to scroll there was a lag, and now its smooth and fast.

I'm pretty sure you still have to move those apps over to system instead of data to get it working without the white screen issue. And thanks for confirming that it works, I may make a list of roms it's confirmed to be working on, tho that may not be necessary.
So all it is is extracting the egl.cfg to /system/lib/egl then delete /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so and reboot?
So all it is is extracting the egl.cfg to /system/lib/egl then delete /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so and reboot?

Don't forget to change the permission for the egl.cfg file before rebooting. It's that simple!
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instead of removing the original .cfg and .so, i renamed em with an added .old extension in case i had to put em back :D
i haven't noticed any differences yet myself, but it's only been a half hour or so of testing.
Yup, I do feel the difference in performance. Much more faster!

I wish I could've done a before and after benchmark though.
instead of removing the original .cfg and .so, i renamed em with an added .old extension in case i had to put em back :D
i haven't noticed any differences yet myself, but it's only been a half hour or so of testing.

Smart man, if I knew how to make scripts I may have actually considered compiling an install script for this that would install the tweak, set the right permissions, and backup the old one, like you just mentioned. Kinda also like V6 Supercharger backs up the old build.prop

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
I have attached here a flashable zip file that will do the trick for you. Like bigsupersquid, I am not sure if there is any difference and Antutu is giving exactly the same 2D/3D GPU scores. Anyway, it is good to have one less library in the ROM as long as we can do without it.

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