I have been looking how to save the phone-specific information and it seems the easiest way to get the info is to use the free CDMAdevterm from
Here is a video someone made on how to use it:
How to get Msl from lg optimus V (open source =cool ) - YouTube
What I figured out is that for our phones that already have recoveries installed and custom roms, putting the phone into the cwm recovery mode by powering on with with home-volume down-power allows CDMAdevterm to communicate with the phone. Watch the video and try it with your phone. Only push the
READ buttons to get the information! If you push the write button to make changes to your phone - you are on your own!
Could some others try it and verify that it works for you?
Now what information might be needed to recover a phone?
Anything else?
Hmmm, this works fine with my old phone with the bobz recovery: RA-thunderc-v-1.2.0-GNM. However, with my recently-recovered phone running cwm v6.0.4.6 the same program doesn't seem to be able to talk to the phone. Not sure what the issue is yet.