Had my doubts BUT..


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Mar 5, 2014
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Finally decided to post my thoughts on the Pixel XL. I'm coming from a Note 4 which has served me well and still love it (and BlackBerry before that - I'm an ambassador over at CB, but I guess that needs to change now lol) , but it's two years old, and being on my second replacement because of constant reboots, I knew I needed to change. So to my surprise, my hubby got me a Pixel XL for Xmas. It was one I was seriously considering (along with the V20) but had my doubts because of all that I have read here on the forums ( I read and research a lot, lol). I also thought I would miss all the fancy Samsung features.

At any rate, after using it now for a couple of weeks, I can say that I have not experienced any of the issues mentioned here, it is fast, and everything is working as should be.

What I love:
Response, smoothness
Battery life!!!! Again was worried about no removable battery but it seems I won't need to be switching batteries...I hardly ever get it to go below 30-40% by the end of the day. Sometimes I'm at 60 when I go to bed (note I'm not a heavy user but still - my Note would have been down to the 20's or needed to be charged at least once during the day)
Camera (especially night shots - my Note 4 never took pictures at night this well)
Google Photos unlimited storage (although I haven't figured out how to check if they are indeed getting stored at 0mb). This is key since no SD card but I do have the 128mb so I should be ok
No ATT crap - so so awesome! I get LTE mostly everywhere I go, and at home I have a microcell which connected right away. Was also worried about the bluetooth issues, but so far so good...even my fitbit blaze syncs! I have an older car with no bluetooth connectivity so I can't comment on that (yeah I really need to get new wheels lol)
Size - it's narrower and lighter than my Note 4 and I'm really liking it - thought I would miss the 5.7 screen, but 5.5 is not bad ha.
I'm actually loving the back fp scanner! It is fast and I find it easier to use than having it on the front for me - really like the scrolling effect it has for the notification shade.
Fast updates. OMG with Samsung and ATT I had to wait forever - My Note had just gotten MM this past fall lol.
Raise and double tap to wake. Love it.

Things I do miss - a little
Custom fonts (although MM and Samsung took that away, I still was able to keep mine since I updated to MM OTA) I could root my Pixel but I never have rooted and am quite leary at doing so
I do miss the Spen. Didn't use it often, but when I did it was very cool and handy
Sound profiles and quick changing them in notification shade - but I'm using do not disturb and it's ok I guess
The LED for notifications is kind of dim
Chargers and cables. This I'm so confused on - there aren't many options and I have read and looked at the Nathan and Benson spreadsheets - good god. All I want is another charger for upstairs at home, and a car charger if I ever need it. I'm afraid now to buy any from looking at all those results from them.
I'm assuming I can use the USB to USB C cable that came with the phone to connect my phone to my laptop?
Yeah I do wish the chin was smaller, but eh, I'm getting used to it and those damn on screen nav buttons...

That's it for now. Thanks for reading. Just wanted to post a positive experience from a former Samsung user (doesn't mean I won't be seriously coveting the Note 8 when it comes lol)


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Jun 28, 2016
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I came from S7 and I have the Pixel 128 and still loving it. As you mentioned, I don't have any issues as well. Maybe hiccups here and there. What I love about this phone is very fluid, battery life, no bloatware , rarely heats up and priority updates from Google. This is what any phone should be. As far as the Bezels from the bottom I like it because it protects from my palm hitting the side of the sccreen accidentally and open an app randomly. That was the main issue for me with the S7. It was very annoying and I constantly have to remind myself how to hold the phone.
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Feb 24, 2012
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Welcome to the weird side. For chargers, yeah... Charger OEMs suck so far. That spreadsheet is pretty good, I bought one extra from Google and otherwise I'm using the same chargers that I bought for the 2015 nexus phones and no issues.


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Mar 5, 2014
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Welcome to the weird side. For chargers, yeah... Charger OEMs suck so far. That spreadsheet is pretty good, I bought one extra from Google and otherwise I'm using the same chargers that I bought for the 2015 nexus phones and no issues.

Thanks! Yeah I guess I'm just going to have to order another charger from Google. Guessing I can't use my Samsung fast charger even with a proper cable? What about car charger?


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Mar 5, 2014
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I came from S7 and I have the Pixel 128 and still loving it. As you mentioned, I don't have any issues as well. Maybe hiccups here and there. What I love about this phone is very fluid, battery life, no bloatware , rarely heats up and priority updates from Google. This is what any phone should be. As far as the Bezels from the bottom I like it because it protects from my palm hitting the side of the sccreen accidentally and open an app randomly. That was the main issue for me with the S7. It was very annoying and I constantly have to remind myself how to hold the phone.

Totally agree that's what a phone should be! I'll get used to the bezels I'm sure :)


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Feb 24, 2012
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You can use a great number of chargers but they won't necessarily charge the Pixel at the maximum rate. Samsung fast chargers are basically just Qualcomm 2.0 chargers and they will charge your Pixel; it'll probably even recognize it as rapid charging.


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Mar 5, 2014
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You can use a great number of chargers but they won't necessarily charge the Pixel at the maximum rate. Samsung fast chargers are basically just Qualcomm 2.0 chargers and they will charge your Pixel; it'll probably even recognize it as rapid charging.

Ok, so can I use the cable that came with my phone and and the Samsung fast charger for overnight charging where I don't care if it's rapid charging?


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Nov 11, 2013
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only bad thing about the Pixel is no front facing speakers would have been nice. Other than that been a Pure Android fan for many years now. Glad you are enjoying it.


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Mar 5, 2014
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Can't you use that overnight? Sorry if I misunderstood the question

No problem...what I'm asking is can I use the USB to USB C cable that came with the phone with my Samsung fast charger. It won't rapid charge but that doesn't matter to me when I'm charging the Pixel overnight, should have enough time to charge up.


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Jul 31, 2011
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So for the sound profiles....i use a app from play store that added tiles to the drop down .....Search for file extension in the play store


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Jul 31, 2011
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Anyone notice that opening apps is slow??? Navigation throughout phone is fast but every app i open has the wait symbol


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Feb 24, 2012
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No problem...what I'm asking is can I use the USB to USB C cable that came with the phone with my Samsung fast charger. It won't rapid charge but that doesn't matter to me when I'm charging the Pixel overnight, should have enough time to charge up.

Yes, you can do that.

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