has anyone damanged their Verizon Galaxy Note 2 yet? (scratch, dent, crack, water, fire, etc)


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2012
has anyone damanged their Verizon Galaxy Note 2 yet? (scratch, dent, crack, water, fire, etc)
any pictures, please? :)

just wondering how easy it was to damage this phone... compared to my previous phones such as the S3, GN, RZ, DC///
has anyone damanged their Verizon Galaxy Note 2 yet? (scratch, dent, crack, water, fire, etc)
any pictures, please? :)

just wondering how easy it was to damage this phone... compared to my previous phones such as the S3, GN, RZ, DC///

So you're looking for damaged phone porn?? LOL. Haven't managed to even ding the Note 2 yet. Although with a full glass front I'm sure someone's taken one out by now.
image.jpgShattered screen shifting gears, phone was pinned between shifter and set of keys, ouch! :'(
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Shattered screen shifting gears, phone was pinned between shifter and set of keys, ouch! :'(

dude... there are easier ways to get rid of the Verizon Wireless home button! :D

adding two more things on my to-do list:

(1) next car will be a Ferrari with paddle shifters on the steering wheel to avoid crushing my phone screen accidentally! :)

(2) learn to drive stick-shift (been thinking about it for at almost 30 years... still never got around to it)
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The best and cheapest way to stop this from happening is not do anything on the phone while driving. I don't mean to be rude but your life is more important. Safety first! :eek:

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note2
The best and cheapest way to stop this from happening is not do anything on the phone while driving. I don't mean to be rude but your life is more important. Safety first! :eek:

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note2

I wonder if the Otterbox Defender could have prevented this... :) I just put the Defender on both of my Note 2 phones.
Yes, they are now absolutely gigantic, but I put the phone's safety first. :D By the way, I've already had three flight
attendants say this to me: "sir, we're about to close the door, please turn off your tablet, thanks!" :D :( :(
(don't worry, I ALWAYS turn my devices off as soon as they announce it :) in fact, on my last flight, my seatmate was
trying to use his phone by hiding it between her thigh and the right armrest... I pressed the call button and informed the
flight attendant about it)
I wonder if the Otterbox Defender could have prevented this... :) I just put the Defender on both of my Note 2 phones.
Yes, they are now absolutely gigantic, but I put the phone's safety first. :D By the way, I've already had three flight
attendants say this to me: "sir, we're about to close the door, please turn off your tablet, thanks!" :D :( :(
(don't worry, I ALWAYS turn my devices off as soon as they announce it :) in fact, on my last flight, my seatmate was
trying to use his phone by hiding it between her thigh and the right armrest... I pressed the call button and informed the
flight attendant about it)

They're going to open that up soon enough and then I'll never fly again. People can't be respectful in a movie theater, a plane will be a moving jail.
I think I would jump off a cliff if I damaged my note 2. I actually went without a screen protector for a few weeks. During that time I babied the phone more than usual then upon close inspection I saw a faint scratch. It was very difficult to see so I am not too upset but I promptly ordered another just like glass protector.
I have already dropped my Note 2 in water and it survived but now the S Pen can navigate and select things throughout the OS without even touching the screen!

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Android Central Forums
My wife shattered her screen. She switched from the flip case to I beefier one. I haven't had any close calls. Dropped my thunderbolt a lot but that thing was a tank.

Sent from my GT-N8013 using Android Central Forums
So you're looking for damaged phone porn?? LOL. Haven't managed to even ding the Note 2 yet. Although with a full glass front I'm sure someone's taken one out by now.

If they ask what kind of liquid it was, just say milk...

Sent from my Verizon Galaxy Note II
I have my otterbox defender on mine.. I really dont think it adds all that much to it. Sure it adds some but the phone still fits nicely in my pocket
Im a big fan otterbox.. it saved my razr maxx a few times!! I have one on my note 2 and my tab2 7

Def a good investment!!

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Android Central Forums
No case from day one and all I have are hairline scratches on the back cover that are barely noticeable. I've dropped it on carpet a few times and it's also fell out of my pocket when wear track pants in the car (slips right out of em when I'm getting into the car).
How can i removed a small scratch on galaxy note 2 home button?

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How can i removed a small scratch on galaxy note 2 home button?
The best and cheapest way to stop this from happening is not do anything on the phone while driving. I don't mean to be rude but your life is more important. Safety first! :eek:

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note2

Got my safety tip of the day.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Dropped mine face down onto gravel from probably 4ish ft no scratches on the screen itself but some dings on the fake aluminum on the border. Gorilla glass is great though I was definitely thinking their would be a few scratches

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I dropped my N2 from less than a foot and my screen shattered. So much for gorilla glass.... I must have spider monkey glass.. Lol

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Android Central Forums

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