Having problems rooting Samsung Conquer 4G


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Aug 25, 2013
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So I am having to use this phone since my last one was destroyed. I would like to root it so I downloaded superoneclick and I put my phone into usb debugging mode but when I start running superoneclick to go through the root process it always stops at shell root step #5 then the program stops responding. Any help to fix this or get my phone rooted will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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So I am having to use this phone since my last one was destroyed. I would like to root it so I downloaded superoneclick and I put my phone into usb debugging mode but when I start running superoneclick to go through the root process it always stops at shell root step #5 then the program stops responding. Any help to fix this or get my phone rooted will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Poking around some other forums and the net in general, I couldn't find any other method to root. It may be highly possible that the root process was for an older version of Android, and there is no new version for root.