Help, question about 32g and 64g please


Aug 19, 2016
Hey guys,

I have an opportunity to exchange my 32g for a 64g but Best Buy prices have gone back up. I paid $399 for my 32g and now their 64g is $549. That's quite a difference. I'm sure I could get them to come down to $500 but I'm still looking at $100 in difference. My question is, is that worth the price difference? Should I just stick with the good deal I got on my 32g? I do not download hardly anything and I have roughly 55 apps on my Nexus. I just checked the space and I've hardly touched it. If it were you, would you pay out the extra $100 or stick with the pretty good deal I got on the 32g? Any thoughts, advice, or suggests would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the help,

I think 32G is fine. I have a 64G 6P but I've never needed anything like that. I'm currently using 13.3G of storage out of 53.67. I have offline maps loaded for all of New England and the WSJ downloads itself every day but I don't keep any music on the device because I stream all of that and photos are all sent to Google Photos and Dropbox so it's only the recent photos that are stored locally. Large amounts of local storage is only needed if you spend long periods away from good Internet connections because you can stream most anything now. BTW you can buy big flash drives and huge portable harddrives that have builtin WiFI hotspots if you want to carry terabytes of data around with you.
I think 32G is fine. I have a 64G 6P but I've never needed anything like that. I'm currently using 13.3G of storage out of 53.67. I have offline maps loaded for all of New England and the WSJ downloads itself every day but I don't keep any music on the device because I stream all of that and photos are all sent to Google Photos and Dropbox so it's only the recent photos that are stored locally. Large amounts of local storage is only needed if you spend long periods away from good Internet connections because you can stream most anything now. BTW you can buy big flash drives and huge portable harddrives that have builtin WiFI hotspots if you want to carry terabytes of data around with you.
Thank you. Best buy said it would run me $100 to upgrade. If it were $50 maybe so thanks for the help on that. I greatly appreciate it man.
Personally, I got the 64G, but I really could have lived with a 32G. That's ME. I'm not you, and I don't know what you use or need 64G for... pictures, apps, music. No one can speak for you or know what you will or do use on your device. You have to make that call.

But why not wait for Black Friday at least... you are way to close to the holidays not to wait and see what they do with sales.
I chose the 64GB version, but that is because I keep a decent amount of music and movies stored locally on the device (I am on project Fi, so I try not to stream over data). The most I even used was a little over 35 GB at any time, so for me, it was worth the extra for the space.

This way, I am not worried about managing the stuff on my device so much.

But again, I think you just need to think about how YOU use your device. Saving a hundred bucks is nothing to sneeze at if you can swing it.

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